5 Tips To Turn Him On With Touch

by George Frewat

In this post I’m going to share five ways to turn him on with your touch now. This is such a fun subject because there are so many cool little things that you can do just in the way you touch him. That will absolutely make him melt and make him go crazy for you. The tips are not something big. They are just something small, subtle, but effective.

1 Use your hands and nails to create a variety of sensations.

This is a key principle.

Men really do appreciate and love a variety of different sensations. You can use the tips of your nails down the back of his neck or around his body to create that beautiful sharp sensation. Then you can use the palms of your hands or just the pads of your fingers to do different sensations.

Between using your fingertips, making use of your nails and other different parts of your body, rubbing and caressing him in different ways. You will be able to share with him a variety of beautiful sensations that get his attention.

Do not limit yourself to only one thing. Try more different things, and you can do it better.

2 Use different intensities of sensation.

The second way to make him out with your touch is to use different intensities of sensation.

Try hard digging your fingers into his back while making love or in the throes of passion. Then really light touch in different areas or situations where it seems appropriate.

Sometimes the lightest touch on the inner part of his thigh or something like that can be absolutely hypnotic to a guy.

So by using different types and intensities of touch, you will keep him guessing, interested, and curious about what you’re doing next.

That’s the second thing you can use to engage, activate, and turn him on.

3 Consciously exploring his body.

Another way you can use to touch and turn him on is by consciously exploring his body. Think of yourself as an explorer who is going out into the unknown.

Indeed, there are the obvious areas you can touch, and you know they will turn him on, like the breadbasket or somewhere else. But there are so many other areas that will be different among different men. You can touch a guy that is going to drive him crazy.

Maybe it’s the inside of his thighs, the small of his back, or the back of his head. Maybe it’s underneath one of his arms, forearms, or somewhere like that. Anyway, it is different for every different guy.

So consciously explore his body with your touch by using all these different sensations we discussed in the second point. Explore his body and see what he responds to.

This is an opportunity for you. As you’re touching him, pay attention to what makes him moan or check out. Honestly, when I’m being touched in a way I love, I go into something like a hypnosis state. And you’ll see a guy like it.

If a guy’s eyes roll back in the head or thoroughly checks out, you know you’ve hit a good spot. So play with that energy, touch him in various ways, and see what gets the most apparent response from him.

This is an opportunity for you to look at the nonverbal cues you’re getting from him, play with that energy, and enjoy it.

4 Use your touch to guide him

The fourth way to turn him on with touch is to use it to guide him and his hands where you want to be touched.

Don’t just tell him directly. Of course, you can tell him where you want to be touched, but it’s so much harder for you to take your hand and guide it.

Maybe you want to be touched down between your legs, up onto the small of your back. Maybe you want to be touched on your chest. If you can use your touch to guide his touch, he will like that. It will really turn him on.

This point is a big one because, for men, touch is a primary love language for most of us. It is fundamental to the way we express ourselves in a relationship.

So the more you’re able to play with men in touch, the more activated and passionate your sex life is going to be.

5 Surrender to him and to give him space

The fifth tip to turn him on with your touch is counterintuitive. It is to surrender to him and give him space.

You may always stay masculine in life and work because you need to be strong enough in these situations. But to have a better feeling in bed, you need to turn the masculine state off.

In the worst case, being too dominant will keep your man away from you because a man hates to be overshadowed by a woman in bed. It denotes that they are too weak when compared with you.

Instead of touching him, moving forward, or being a physical aggressor, just back off a little bit and give him the space to take control. Stop touching him. Just surrender to him so that he can move forward to touch you.

If you can play with those power dynamics and allow him to be the dominant one and take over, you’re submitting and deeply surrendering to him.

Allowing him to take the initiative can also be super hot and activating because there are a few things more activating to the masculine.

Just have the feminine. Trust men enough and fully surrender your body to them. Submitting to him and giving him space is incredibly attractive, polarizing, and activating to him.


I hope these tips about turning him on with touch will help you get out there and have incredible connections and relationships with men you are worthy of.

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