Now men often describe falling in love as catching feelings because for many men, I know for myself included, it can feel elusive to develop deep feelings for a partner, for a woman in our lives.
Our walls are up. We don’t have much emotional agency and often get caught up in physical interaction.
It can be challenging to develop that deep emotional connection with someone. When we do, it’s like we’ve caught something rare, elusive, and unforgettable.
Signs a guy is falling for you is countless, but it takes careful observation to notice them.
Know that if a man is showing you any of these seven signs, he’s excited. He’s really excited, and you are at the top of his mind. You are a priority to him. That’s going to be a theme of all these tips.
Let’s dive in.
- 1 He is your biggest cheerleader
- 2 He uses consistent, connected, non-verbal communication
- 3 He checks in with you often.
- 4 He sees you as his partner in shine.
- 5 He is excited to meet your people.
- 6 He isn’t solely focused and isn’t trying to rush physical intimacy.
- 7 He cannot wait to share you with his world.
- 8 To recap (Overview)
- 9 Conclusion
1 He is your biggest cheerleader

What do I mean by that? He is intensely curious about whatever you’re passionate about and wants to support you in that.
Whatever it is, whether it be sports, your work, or your hobbies, he’s got your back.
He’s got your back, all in, and willing to do whatever it takes to help you move forward in whatever is important to you.
A great example of this in my life is my girlfriend’s passion for sewing.
She’s a brilliant artist and does terrific work with different fabrics and this beautiful sewing machine she’s got. I’m 100% behind her, and I invited her.
I said, “Let’s do an accountability group for each other,” where I can help hold her accountable and support her in setting aside time for her sewing. She can help keep me accountable to get back into a hobby that I’m passionate about, wood carving.
Ladies, if he is asking questions about your hobbies, passions, and interests, and he’s volunteering to support you in any way, He wants to work your booth at the farmers market with you and go to your recreational volleyball games. Whatever it is, it’s a sign that he is most definitely catching feelings for you.
2 He uses consistent, connected, non-verbal communication

This sign he’s falling for you demonstrates in a lot of different ways.
First, it generally means he will be open-body when you are together. Telling me, he’s not going to be closed off.
He’s not going to be turned to the side when he’s around you. He will be full-on facing you like this, and he will use sustained eye contact. He will not be afraid to look you in the eye when speaking to you. He will be very present with you when you talk to him. When the two of you lock gaze, he’s not going to look away because he is activated and inspired by the connection the two of you share.
Another important way to indicate this nonverbal interest is through casual physical contact.
He wants to casually touch you, putting his hand on your waist, resting his hand against your hand while you’re sitting at a table. You’ll feel him leaning in like he wants closer to you. He wants to be in your space like you’re this campfire that he cannot help but want to warm his hands and body against.
If you feel these consistent, connected nonverbal indicators, chances are he’s highly interested in you and developing feelings for you.
3 He checks in with you often.

This is a huge indicator that you are top of mind for him and your priority is in his life and heart.
What does this look like? It’s like he asks you questions throughout the day, wonders how your work is going and checks that way. Giving you an update on what’s going on in his life because he knows that you want to hear about that or he wants to share that with you.
Remember, all men are little boys. When a man is sharing things with you in an enthusiastic way, in a childlike way about maybe a big victory he had at work or something that happened in his life, it’s because he wants to share fun stuff with you to make you happy.
It’s like a bit of oy coming home and wanting to present you with something that he found exciting. It could also be sharing funny memes or videos he found online, something that reminds him of you, your sense of humor, or an experience you all shared.
I do this all the time with my girlfriend. If I see a picture that reminds me of her or an experience we shared, I’ll send it to her, and then we get to have a beautiful little moment around that.
If a man consistently does anything like that to you, it means that you’re top of mind and in his heart.
The keyword here is consistency. If a man is doing this regularly, it’s a perfect indicator.
4 He sees you as his partner in shine.

Unlike a partner in crime, a partner in shine helps one progress.
When you’re a partner in shine, it means that he sees you as his equal, he sees you as his partner, and he wants to elevate you so that you two can shine your light as brightly as possible.
When a man sees you as his partner in shine, he wants to hear about your good and bad days because he wants to celebrate the good days with you and then support you when you have bad ones to help you feel better.
He’s also going to open up to you about what he’s going through, his victories, and his hardships because he knows he can trust you and that you’re an emotional sanctuary for him.
He’s going to feel empowered by your relationship and inspired by your connection to play a bigger game and take more considerable risks in his personal and professional life because he knows you’re there alongside him.
He knows you have his back no matter what, and you’re his number one support. Because he’s got that support, he can go out there and go for it in this life.
This is a huge factor in my own life. My relationship with my girlfriend inspires me to feel unstoppable in my work.
I have less anxiety and fear in all aspects of my life because I know she’s got my back. Things I used to have resistance to in my work, I don’t have nearly as much anymore. That’s a beautiful byproduct of having a partner in shine.
If a man is showing up, being courageous, and letting you know how empowered he feels when he’s around you and how it’s inspiring him to take giant leaps in his own life, chances are he is catching feelings for you.
5 He is excited to meet your people.

This can be anybody. I mean friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.
If it’s a person that’s important to you and him, he will be happy to meet them, and he will want to ask questions about them. He wants to meet you people for three critical reasons below.
- He knows it will help him integrate deeper into your life, which is very important to him.
- It’s going to help him understand you better. I’m so excited to meet more members of my girlfriend’s family and her inner circle because I know that every person I encounter in her life will help me understand her on a deeper level.
- He knows it’s going to make you happy. When a man is emotionally invested in you, when he’s activated and inspired by you, making you happy is a huge priority for him.
6 He isn’t solely focused and isn’t trying to rush physical intimacy.

This is a big one because we all know that for a lot of men, there’s a mad dash to sex.
If you get past that initial push, and a man truly starts developing deeper feelings for you, he’s starting to see and understand and appreciate you more deeply, and he’s not just trying to rush to the finish line anymore.
He actually wants to enjoy the journey. He may wait longer to initiate physical intimacy and dates or to escalate physical intimacy. He might be happy kissing you and making out with you for hours without wanting to take things to another level.
Conversations in texting might become less sexual and less about just wanting to see your body or rave about physical stuff but more about funny stuff, emotional things, or experiences you have shared.
If he’s in this space, his compliments to you will be less focused on your physical beauty or body and more on aspects of your personality, like your quirkiness or sense of humor.
If he’s in this emotionally attached space, he’s no longer just trying to leap across the finish line. He’s genuinely committed to enjoying the journey with you, enjoying the courtship, and savoring each step on that path.
7 He cannot wait to share you with his world.

This might be the most important sign that a man is falling in love.
He is excited to share you with his friends, his family, and the people who are important to him. He’s looking forward to introducing you to those people. He isn’t afraid to share you on social media, talk about you, or mention you.
This is a massive thing for me because often in my life and past relationships where I haven’t been as emotionally activated, I’ve had much resistance around sharing a woman I’ve been dating with my friends and family.
After all, it just didn’t feel 100% authentic. In my current relationship, I’ll be honest with you.
After my first date with my current girlfriend, I texted my parents and told them, “I’m declaring right now. I’m declaring that I want to claim this woman.”
I told them I had had a beautiful date with this highly amazing woman and wanted to claim her after the first date.
That’s uncharacteristic for me because I was catching feelings in a different way than I had in many of my past relationships.
Suppose a man talks about how much he’s looking forward to introducing you to the people in his life.
In that case, he’s making plans, future building with you, coordinating and setting things up, or he’s fearless in talking to his parents or FaceTime them with you when you’re around.
That is the most significant sign that he’s catching feelings for you. He’s getting emotionally invested in you.
Enjoy that if he’s doing that. Ladies, if a man is exhibiting any one or more of these signs consistently over time, chances are he’s getting emotionally invested in you, he’s fallen in love, and he is catching feelings.
8 To recap (Overview)

1. He is your biggest cheerleader.
He is interested in what you’re passionate about and wants to support you in any way he can.
2. He uses consistent, connected, nonverbal communication.
He is constantly demonstrating that he is open to connecting with you. He’s using sustained eye contact. He’s engaging in casual physical connection with you and continuously leaning in because you are that warm campfire that he cannot be too close to.
3. He checks in with you often.
He is texting you throughout the day. He’s asking you how you’re doing. He’s giving you updates on how he’s doing.
It doesn’t have to be every hour. It doesn’t have to be crazy, but just a couple of times along the way, you get a little message from him, a funny meme, or a video he found on YouTube. Anything like that will demonstrate that you’re in his mind and heart.
4. He sees you as his partner in shine.
You are not his partner in crime. You are not helping him bury bodies. That is not what this is about.
This is about you two helping each other shine your light in the deepest possible way, and he sees you as his equal. He sees you as his partner. He sees you as his queen, and he wants to have you on that journey to help both of you shine your lights as brightly as possible.
5. He’s excited to meet your people.
He is ecstatic to connect with your friends, family, and coworkers. Anyone important to you is essential to him. He’s curious about them, and he is looking forward to meeting and building relationships with them because as he does that, he’s going to get to know you better, he’s going to get to integrate with you more, integrate deeper into your life, and he knows it’s going to make you happy.
6. He isn’t solely focused on and doesn’t want to rush physical intimacy.
- He’s no longer a sex-crazed gorilla. He has taken his foot off the gas and truly sees and appreciates you at a deeper level.
- The text might be a little less sexual or explicit.
- He’s complimenting you on dimensions and aspects of your personality or more profound elements of who you are.
- He’s not trying to rush and escalate physical intimacy when you two are out.
- He’ll kiss you for hours or look into your eyes. It’s not just a race to the finish line.
7. He wants to share you with his world, friends, and family.
He’s talking to the people in his life about you. He’s telling them he’s declaring that he wants to claim you as I did with my girlfriend. He’s not hesitating or resistant to sharing you on his social media, sharing you in the public sphere with the people around him.
This is a man who is proud of you. He’s proud of being with you and wants to tell everybody, “Hey, this is my woman. This is the woman that I am falling for. This is my partner, and I want everyone to know about it.”
9 Conclusion
I hope that you enjoyed these seven tips and that they inspire you and give you some comfort and security around whether a man is falling for you because here’s the thing.
If he isn’t falling for you, it’s also essential to know. We do not want to spend our time and energy just wasting it on someone unwilling to meet us where we’re at emotionally. Am I right?
Thank you for reading the post. I hope the tips will be helpful when you need to vet men and understand who’s an activated emotional partner worthy of your time and attention.