In the post, I will share how to activate a man’s attraction through conscious polarity.
This principle has been one of the biggest things that have allowed me to foster the most fantastic relationship.
It is the cornerstone and the foundation of creating incredible magnetic attraction and passion in relationships with men.
1 What is polarity?

In the beginning, I want to explain right what polarity is.
Imagine that a relationship between a man and a woman is a container. Within that container, there are two sides. There’s a masculine side and a feminine side.
In general, for polarity to exist, the feminine partner gets to be on the feminine side of the relational container inner and provides feminine energy. The man, the masculine, gets to be predominantly on the male side of the masculine energy container.
So that way, there is space between the two of them.
Polarity is created when a man is in his masculine, and a woman is in her feminine within a heteronormative relational container. Relationship flows and makes this beautiful balance between a man and a woman.
I’m sure you’ve felt that in a relationship where a man shows up for you and is deeply grounded in his masculine energy. He knows who he is and what he’s creating in the world. He is deeply rooted in his man identity and invites you into his life from a masculine space.
How does that make you feel? It creates a feeling of safety with you. It creates a space to soften and be feminine for you.
Then when you’re in your feminine and he’s in his masculine, there are sparks generated. There’s electricity between you two. The relationship flows, the passion is there, and the sex is fantastic. The whole thing is electric. The relationship is able to flow and grow easily.
2 How to cultivate polarity consciously?

So what does it mean for you to cultivate polarity consciously? It means you get to check in with yourself within the relationship and ask yourself when you engage with the masculine.
Am I operating for my embodied feminine space? Am I showing up in a feminine way with a masculine? What does it mean to be in your feminine?
It means to be soft, sensual, open, vulnerable, and playful. That feminine energy makes a man feel empowered to step deeply into his masculine. It’s being a loving interruption to a man.
One of the greatest ways a woman can be feminine to the masculine is to interrupt the heaviness of their work and responsibilities. It’s inviting them to play, explore, or go on a journey.
This brings up a compelling concept called the interdependence of the masculine and the Feminine. There are certain things we need from each. We desire and crave from each other, and the masculine is craving being acknowledged for being seen and for what they’re doing by the feminine.
We’re craving emotional freedom from the feminine space where we want to put down all our heavy stuff and be free. So for you and your feminine, are you acknowledging the masculine for what they’re doing and how they’re showing up? Are you telling him how much you appreciate it?
You know all his hard work at his job is to build your home, or he’s the breadwinner or whatever else. Have you acknowledged him for all the hard work he’s put in around the house or whatever else? You should make use of every opportunity to recognize a man and the masculine for his actions.
You’re inviting him to take pride. You’re inviting him to step deeper into it. And you’re helping him feel more empowered. You’re cultivating more polarity with him.
So those are just some check-in questions I want you to ask yourself. To cultivate conscious polarity with the masculine, you bring in your feminine. Are you being soft and sensual? Are you fighting for the masculine to play? Are you acknowledging him for what he is up to and be doing out in the world?
3 Play the role of a conductor in your relationship

And a visual that you can use for this is a conductor. Because you are the feminine being in a relationship, it’s an important concept. You get to be the emotional and communicative conductor in a relationship.
If a relationship is a symphony, you’re the conductor, gesturing and inviting the masculine. The masculine is the action taker. He’s the doer, the musician in the orchestra, and you’re inviting him to take action.
You’re inviting him to move forward and step into vulnerability. You’re inviting him to share with you and move the physical container of the relationship forward. That’s your job as the conductor.
So ask yourself, are you making that conscious invitation for a man to step up and into a deeper relationship with you?
Because if you are operating from that space of being, being a loving interruption to his work and inviting him into vulnerability, asking him how he’s feeling.
Suppose you are acknowledging him for his actions. In that case, you are consciously cultivating polarity with him, helping to empower him to step deeper and deeper into his masculine essence and create that beautiful polarized relationship you are worthy of.
So I hope that you enjoyed this little synopsis of polarity. And you can ask yourself, how can you embody it really powerfully? How you’re going to shift this in your life and relationships?
At the end of the post, I want to summarize the three keys to getting a man’s attraction through conscious polarity.
You need to realize what polarity is and then cultivate it consciously. You need to be the conductor, serving well as your relationship’s inner side, the feminine side. You need to let your man know he is masculine and strong.
Eventually, the polarity will get you the relationship you want.