I will share six keys to attracting and dating younger men in this post in a powerful and fulfilling way. We’re going deep into it.
Let’s start by talking about what I mean by younger men. Clearly, I mean men that are probably younger than you and in their 20s and 30s. When you’re talking about men in their 20s and 30s, there are many specific, nuanced things you want to do with them that you wouldn’t necessarily do with a man in his 40s or 50s or whoever else.
We will go through six keys to attracting, turning on, and dating younger men. Let’s dive into it.
1 Be fearless and direct in your communication

The first key is to be fearless and direct in your communication and connection with these men.
Because here’s the thing, many younger men have probably already disqualified themselves from a woman who’s a little older than them, either because they assume you’re married or they think that maybe you’re just not their type.
There are many ways that men talk themselves out of approaching women. If you are a little older than him and want to create and foster that connection with him, you want to indicate that you are interested.
That means lots of eye contact and open body position if you talk about nonverbal connection, smile, and invite him.
Be willing to start a conversation. Be willing to initiate the flirtation. It doesn’t mean you’re putting yourself in a masculine position if you are direct.
You want to let him know that you are interested, and just because you’re a little older than him, it doesn’t mean that you’re not ready to play and connect with him in a meaningful way.
2 Leave alone what the future will be

The second key to attracting and dating younger men effectively is to be present with them.
Younger men will be very experiential and very caught up in whatever is going on in their lives.
As an older woman with more experience, it’s essential for you to be clear that you are going to be right there with them at that moment.
That means not projecting into the future and making assumptions about them because maybe they’re still being prepared for a full-blown commitment, or they will be looking at you and deciding and evaluating what relationship they want with you.
If they feel like you’re projecting into the future and trying to push them towards a commitment or put them on a timeline or a deadline, they will pull back and maybe check out.
This is especially true with younger men. Refrain from projecting into the future with them, and read a lot into the future.
Also, don’t bring in a lot of the past.
If a man, especially a younger guy, can tell that you’re bringing a lot of your past relationship baggage up with him, especially in the early stages of getting to know him, it will scare him off.
Younger guys are very present, and they’re very experiential. They want to have fun and get to know you in the present moment.
Be connected. Be dialed in with whatever he’s saying, and be willing to be in that moment with him without reading too much into it or looking at it through the lens of your past experiences as much as possible.
3 Be playful and spontaneous

The third key to attracting and dating a younger man is to be playful and spontaneous.
I cannot tell you how important this is. All men at one level are little boys, but younger men, especially, want to play and have fun. Connect with that little girl within you.
Let go of everything you’ve experienced up until now and be ready to play with him and go back and forth with him.
Banter with him, tease him, let him tease you, and just be present at that moment and have fun in your exchanges with him.
If you can do that, you’re going to draw him in, and you’re going to invite him to want to experience more of you, date you, and have fun adventures with you.
Adventures are another huge way to build connection, intimacy, and relationship with a younger man. Because younger guys see the world through the lens of possibility, they want to experience it in as many different ways as possible.
The more spontaneous and open to adventures, random excursions, and everything you can be, the more a younger guy will want to hang out with you. He’s not going to be set in his ways.
A younger guy wants to explore. Through your openness, playfulness, and invitingness, you can be his exploration partner.
Doesn’t that sound fun? If he’s being silly, don’t demean him or dismiss his silliness. That might be a little maternal and something you want to avoid as an older woman is coming across as his mom.
If he’s being silly, tolerate it. Roll with it. Go back and forth with him in his silliness and allow yourself to be in that playful space with him.
4 Get used to texting with him

Another critical key to building attraction and dating younger men is to be a master of texting or at least get used to texting.
Because younger guys in their 20s and 30s do much texting, they make less phone conversation.
I’m not saying you can’t invite them and draw them into phone conversations. I invite you to do that but also be ready for much texting with these younger guys. You’ll want to get good at managing texting as a tool to get to know a man.
Don’t make it the primary form of communication. Especially in early-stage dating, use texting as a tool to arrange meetups, to flirt with him, but not as a tool for getting to know him.
Get ready to text a lot more with a younger guy, but be very intentional about it, or it could become a primary way you’re talking to him, which can be super exhausting.
You don’t want to do that. You want to use texting as a tool to set up in-person encounters, do some flirting, and maintain that burn of attraction.
5 Own your sensuality, flirtation, touch, and body

Another key to going deeper with younger men is owning your sensuality, flirtation, touch, and body.
Leveraging those assets that you have and those senses is super essential because touch is a primary love language for almost all men, but especially for a younger man who is intensely physical.
The more you can be in your sensual, inviting, soft femininity, the more you will excite him.
You could teach him a lot as an older woman. That’s very exciting for a lot of younger men. Be fully aware of your sexuality and all the things that come with that, and invite him into that space with you.
It’s going to really excite and light the fire with him to go deep with you.
6 Give them a platform to practice their masculinity

This last tip is crucial. You want to give younger men a platform to practice their masculinity. You do that by being deeply in your feminine.
It would be best if you thought about this. Younger men are just starting to learn what it means to be a man. A man in his 20s or 30s craving an understanding of what it means to be deeply in his masculine. He’s stepping into that space.
The more feminine you can be, the more inviting you can be. The more you can throw him the ball and give him opportunities to step up and be a man. Allow him to plan dates, be the protector, and be the hero.
The more you do that, the more you invite him to rise. For younger guys who still need to establish their masculine identity, that’s a great gift you’re giving them. That will excite them and make them feel more powerful and empowered when they’re with you, making them want to hang out with you more.
It’s going to make them want to get to know you better. It’s going to make them want to spend more time with you.
One of the most valuable roles you can play as the older woman in the life of a younger man is to be his inspiration and his muse.
It’s to be his example of what it means to be in a relationship with a goddess who’s deeply in her feminine and knows who she is and what she wants. It is looking at him and asking him in a powerful, sensual, feminine way, “Can you rise to my level? Can you be the man that I would fall in love with?”
That’s parlous hot and evoking for a lot of men, especially a man who’s seeking that answer. “What kind of man am I? How can I be this masculine figure I saw my dad and these other men out there be?”
Men in that age are in their prince phase, striving to become kings.
Suppose they have a queen in their life who can inspire them to go there. Be his queen, muse, and inspiration, and he will be deeply connected and appreciative of you.

There you go, six ways to attract and date younger men.
The first one is to be direct and open with them.
Let them know that you are interested. Let them know that you want to connect with them, that you are not married, and that you are not too old for them. Age is just a number, and you want to get to know them.
Second, be present with them.
Don’t project into the future, assume that this relationship will turn into something more, and put them on a deadline.
Don’t bring up the past. Don’t view them through the lens of your past trauma.
Just be in that present moment with them. Be connected and see and experience them for who they are.
Third, be playful and spontaneous.
Be your little-girl self. Be in the moment with them, playing and sassing them, teasing them, and inviting them forward. Let them be sarcastic. Let them be silly. Banter and go back and forth with them. Be spontaneous, be willing to go on adventures, and be their adventure partner.
Younger guys are looking for that adventurous freedom, and you can be their partner and platform to make it happen.
Fourth, be prepared to text more with a younger guy, but also recognize that you get to do it intentionally.
Don’t allow texting to become a continuous way that you’re getting to know this younger guy.
Rein it in, set the tempo, and use it as a tool. Use it to flirt. Use it to coordinate and set up meetups with him, but make it something other than what you always do. Younger guys may want to do that. It’ll be up to you to condition and set that tempo with him.
The fifth point is to own your sensuality with a younger guy.
Be your soft, flirtatious, feminine self. Be very touchy with him. Touch is a primary love language. For younger men in that prime physical masculine space, especially with their hormones and all that stuff, the more sensual you are with him, the more excited he’s going to be and the more he’s going to enjoy it.
Lastly, be his platform to cultivate masculinity.
Be that inviting evoking force in his life that gets him to step into his masculine. Be the queen to ask him, “Are you ready to be a king?”
Because men in their 20s and 30s are younger, they’re seeking that masculine identity and pursuing what it means to be a king. They want to know what that is. They want to know what that feels like.
The more you can throw them the ball, invite them into that masculine space to plan those dates, invite them to step into their power, and invite them to be the physical driving force in the relationship, they will be attracted to you. They will be excited and treat you as their queen.