In the post, I will share four simple ways to magnetize a man’s love.
We’ll dive into some simple but powerful ways to help you magnetically inspire a man to love you and want to be in a relationship with you in the most profound way possible.
When it comes to being irresistible to high-value men and getting them to drop in and profoundly love you, it makes sense to think that words would be your best friend.
To an extent, they can compliment a man on specific aspects of his appearance, personality, or how he’s showing up to you. It can be a powerful way to draw him close to you and activate his love, but the funny thing is, your actions are even more potent than that.
Actions speak louder than words when it comes to men in relationships. But here’s the thing, it can’t just be any action.
In order for it to activate and inspire a man to drop in and love you more, it has to be the type of action that empowers him and builds his confidence, both in your connection and in the relational container that the two of you have created together.
Here are four examples of empowering actions you can use with a man that will touch his heart and inspire him to step into the type of relationship you want.
1 Touch him authentically and meaningfully

The Number 1 way to magnetically inspire a man’s love through your actions is to touch him authentically and meaningfully.
I cannot emphasize this enough. Touch is a primary, fundamental love language for many men, and most are starved for it.
I’m not just talking about touch during sex. Often, the only real physical affection a man gets is during foreplay and sex.
I’m talking about just rubbing his back when he gets home from work, playing with his hair, or using your nails on his arms while you’re watching TV.
All of these little small acts of physical affection and playful, tender, authentic, emotional touch are going to help him drop out of his head and into his body, which is so important, especially after he’s been at work, solving problems, and in his head all day.
It’s a great way to get a man to soften and get out of his head and into his body.
It is imperative because, ladies, at the end of the day, if you want that deep, incredibly loyal, passionate connection with a guy, you want him to see you as his emotional and physical sanctuary from the hardships of his life and the heaviness of his responsibilities.
Touch is the most incredible way to be that sanctuary for the man in your life. Touch the guy if you want to empower and help him drop in, trust, and be confident with you in the relational container.
2 Allowing him to lead

This may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes, the best action to take to empower a man you’re getting to know is to allow him to take action because here’s something I’ve noticed with my friends in my own life.
When you and your partner in the relationship are faced with a situation or a challenge, isn’t it so often the default response of the woman to want to dive in and fix it herself or to tell her male partner what to do?
“Gary, why are you taking 43rd Street to go to dinner when that the tunnel is so much faster at this time of day? We’re going to be late to dinner now, Gary. What are your parents going to say?”
Ladies, how do you think a man feels when you take the driver’s seat, literally or figuratively, in situations like that? He often feels emasculated and disempowered, and you don’t trust him to make the right decision.
It’s so important to recognize that to create polarity and to empower and honor the masculine in a relationship, you have to give him the space and the ability to make decisions and lead the way, even if it’s going to take a little bit longer to get to dinner.
Remember that the masculine craves to be acknowledged and trusted for what they’re doing in the world and their actions.
By allowing him to lead, you’re giving him what he’s craving at the energetic level within the relationship and helping him build his confidence, build his decision-making muscles, and help him understand and believe that you do trust him, which, more than anything, is what he wants.
3 Ask questions in his passion zone

The third action you can take to inspire a man to love you magnetically is to ask questions in his passion zone.
What is a man’s passion zone? It’s his area of expertise, the things he is into and passionate about, and he is an authority. Every guy has that stuff, whether it’s cars, MMA, housing stuff, or maybe it’s cooking.
Whenever you have a question, say you want to know how to cook a perfect soufflé, instead of going to the internet. Just ask your man. If he knows cooking, allow him a chance to demonstrate his authority and his expertise to you.
It’s very empowering for a guy to be asked by his woman to speak about a subject and be seen as an authority on something he’s passionate about.
When you ask him questions about things he’s passionate about, it will help empower him and make him feel more confident in his masculinity within the relational container.
4 Acts of trust

Number 4 is acts of trust.
This is a big one, and it’s something I like to refer to as throwing a man the ball. This is where you leave a man alone with someone or something precious to you.
For example, if you have a kid, it could be a furry child, or it could be something like letting him house-sit for you while you’re out of town on business.
But no matter what it is, when you throw a man the ball, you give him an act of trust, or you allow him to take care of something valuable for you, even if it’s watering your plants at your house, it’s demonstrating that you trust him and you honor and respect his ability to take care of you.
It demonstrates to him non-verbally that he’s earned your trust, which is something deep down.
Men are really craving something in relationships with women.
Engaging in the act of trust with a man or throwing him the ball is also a great filter.
Suppose a man you’re dating or getting to know is unwilling to take that responsibility, or he seems uncomfortable or insecure about it. In that case, it’s probably a sign that he’s either not invested in you as you would like him to be or that he doesn’t have the degree of character or willingness to take on that responsibility, which, either way, he’s filtering himself out.
Just a little disclaimer, ladies, to all my single moms out there, I’m not telling you to throw your child at a guy you’ve just started dating because, honestly, that’s a big responsibility.
It might be overwhelming to a guy too early in getting to know him, and obviously, you don’t want to put your child at risk.
Still, once your relationship has hit a certain point, and you want to gauge his investment in you and maybe his capabilities as a potential father, throw him the ball and see how he responds. It’ll tell you a lot about who he is and where you’re at in the relationship.
If he’s invested, he will feel honored by the trust you’ve given him.
If you can use these four decisive actions in your relationships and connections with men, you will empower the men in your life to drop in, connect with, and love you at an entirely new level.
Let’s review them one more time.
Number 1 is to touch him in a meaningful and authentic way.
All men crave touch in some way, shape, or form unless they have trauma around it.
In most cases, a man is wanting and yearning for your touch, not just in the bedroom, not just during sex, but just casually throughout the day.
The more consistently you do that, the more you build intimacy, connection, and trust with him.
He’s going to start to see you more as that sanctuary you want to be if you want to inspire his loyalty, dedication, and love.
Number 2 is allowing him to lead.
Sometimes the most powerful action you can take is to allow him to take action.
Men crave to be the physical drivers in relationships.
When you stop trying to micromanage a man’s actions just because you may know a better way and allow him to lead, it will be very confidence-building for him and help him see himself as that influential leader and navigator in the relationship.
That’s the role he wants to have with you.
Number 3 is to ask him questions in his passion zone.
Tap into and acknowledge him as an authority in his zone of genius, in the things he’s an expert at. That will empower and help him understand that you see him as a resource and someone you can trust.
Number 4 is acts of trust.
Let’s demonstrate that you trust a man by throwing him the ball and letting him look after your house, your pets, or even your kids if the relationship has reached a certain level.
It’s an excellent way to show that you believe in this guy and treat him as someone who’s your partner.
I hope you enjoyed these four actions you can go out there and take today. You can also discuss your number one tip with your friends or any additional actions that you think are super important and powerful for you to magnetize and inspire a man to love you.