71 Funny Hinge Prompts to Draw Their Attention Uniquely ;)

by George Frewat
Man and woman wearing black stockings sitting face to face - funny hinge prompts

Let’s dive into the topic directly.

Table of Contents

75 Funny Hinge Prompts For You

1. My most useless talent is

  • Reciting pi to 100 digits while doing a handstand
  • Turning any conversation into a pun-fest
  • Perfectly timing my microwave popcorn (no burnt kernels!)

2. The key to my heart is

  • A well-organized spreadsheet
  • Surprising me with obscure movie trivia
  • Appreciating my extensive collection of novelty socks

3. I’m weirdly attracted to

  • People who can solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute
  • The smell of freshly sharpened pencils
  • Anyone who can pull off a fanny pack unironically

4. My ideal date night is

  • A competitive game of mini-golf (loser buys ice cream)
  • Netflix and chill… literally, let’s make ice sculptures
  • Attempting to recreate Pinterest recipes (fire extinguisher on standby)

5. I get way too excited about

  • Finding the perfect parking spot
  • Spotting dogs in public and pointing them out to everyone
  • The free bread at restaurants

6. The quickest way to my heart is

  • Sending me terrible puns at 3 AM
  • Knowing the difference between “your” and “you’re”
  • Surprise me with random facts about platypuses

7. A non-negotiable in a relationship is

  • Must be willing to help me build elaborate pillow forts
  • Accepting that I will always steal fries off your plate
  • Understanding that “I’m fine” actually means “I’m hangry”

8. My dream job as a kid was

  • Professional bubble wrap popper
  • Chocolate waterslide tester
  • Unicorn groomer

9. I’m convinced that

  • Aliens use Earth as a reality TV show
  • My plants judge me when I forget to water them
  • Socks disappear in the dryer to fuel a secret sock economy

10. My hype song is

  • “Eye of the Tiger” played on a kazoo
  • The Jeopardy! theme song on repeat
  • Any ice cream truck jingle

11. I’m looking for

  • Someone to help me find my lost TV remote
  • A partner in crime for elaborate April Fools’ Day pranks
  • A fellow night owl to send memes to at 2 AM

12. My happiest place is

  • In a ball pit at a children’s playground (as an adult)
  • Surrounded by puppies in a pet store window
  • The cheese aisle at the grocery store

13. I’ll fall for you if

  • You can beat me at thumb wrestling
  • You know all the words to “Bohemian Rhapsody”
  • You can name all 151 original Pokémon

14. My biggest red flag is

  • I alphabetize my spice rack… and my friends
  • I still use Internet Explorer unironically
  • I think pineapple belongs on everything, not just pizza

15. My perfect Sunday is

  • Building a blanket fortress and declaring myself its ruler
  • Attempting to break the world record for most pancakes eaten
  • Practicing my acceptance speech for non-existent awards

17. My love language is

  • Tagging you in relatable memes
  • Leaving passive-aggressive sticky notes on the fridge
  • Surprise interpretive dance performances

18. I want someone who

  • Will join my flash mob at inappropriate times
  • Can appreciate my collection of ugly Christmas sweaters
  • Is willing to be my personal paparazzi for Instagram

19. I’m still not over

  • The ending of Game of Thrones
  • My Tamagotchi dying in 1998
  • Not receiving my Hogwarts acceptance letter

20. Let’s debate this topic

  • Is a hotdog a sandwich?
  • Do straws have one hole or two?
  • Is cereal a soup?

21. Unusual skills I possess

  • Expert-level air guitar
  • Fluent in Pig Latin
  • Can identify any song by its first three notes (60% of the time, every time)

22. Two truths and a lie

  • I’ve been banned from an all-you-can-eat buffet
  • I once won a staring contest with my reflection
  • I can lick my elbow

23. My toxic trait is

  • Replying “k” to long text messages
  • Using Comic Sans in professional emails
  • Leaving one second left on the microwave timer

24. A shower thought I recently had

  • Do bald eagles know they’re bald?
  • Is there a conspiracy to make everyone believe Wyoming exists?
  • Are butterflies just goth moths?

25. My FBI agent thinks I’m

  • Obsessed with finding the perfect garlic bread recipe
  • Planning a heist using only pool noodles and duct tape
  • Trying to decipher the true meaning of covfefe

26. I’m a regular at

  • The local cat café (I don’t even like cats)
  • The library’s “Overdue Book Anonymous” support group
  • The discount aisle of the grocery store at 11:59 PM

27. You should leave a comment if

  • You can teach me how to moonwalk
  • You have strong opinions about the Oxford comma
  • You know the secret to folding a fitted sheet

28. The best mistake I’ve ever made was

  • Accidentally liking a crush’s Instagram post from 3 years ago
  • Showing up to a costume party that wasn’t actually a costume party
  • Mistaking wasabi for guacamole (and pretending it was fine)

29. I recently discovered that

  • I’ve been pronouncing “quinoa” wrong my entire life
  • My spirit animal is a sloth (and I’m oddly proud of it)
  • I can’t whistle and snap my fingers at the same time

30. I bet you can’t

  • Out-pun me in a pun battle
  • Beat me at rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock
  • Name more pizza toppings than me in 30 seconds

31. The award I should be nominated for is

  • “Most Likely to Trip Over Nothing”
  • “Best Supporting Role in My Own Daydreams”
  • “Excellence in Procrastination”

32. My childhood crush was

  • The green M&M
  • Shrek (don’t judge me)
  • The “You’ve Got Mail” AOL voice

33. I know the best spot in town for

  • People-watching while pretending to read a book
  • Finding pennies on the ground (I’m basically a metal detector)
  • Practicing your fake laugh for awkward situations

34. I geek out on

  • Conspiracy theories about cartoon universe timelines
  • The perfect ratio of milk to cereal
  • Obscure facts about the history of the potato

35. A life goal of mine is

  • To own a secret bookcase door
  • To be able to do a backflip (or at least a somersault)
  • To start a holiday dedicated to naps

36. My superpower of choice would be

  • The ability to plug in a USB correctly on the first try
  • Always knowing when someone is talking about me (my ears would be burning 24/7)
  • Being able to remember why I walked into a room

37. The world would be a better place with more

  • Silent Velcro
  • Motivation fairy godmothers
  • Restaurants that serve breakfast all day

38. If I were a kitchen appliance, I’d be

  • A waffle iron (I have a great smile and I’m full of little squares)
  • A whisk (I like to stir things up)
  • A microwave (I have a warm personality but sometimes I’m a little unevenly heated)

39. My alter ego is

  • A professional pillow fort architect
  • The Tooth Fairy’s personal assistant
  • A secret agent disguised as a couch potato

40. I hope you

  • Don’t mind that I talk to my plants (they’re great listeners)
  • Are prepared for my extensive collection of dad jokes
  • Can handle my competitive nature during board game nights

41. You’ll know it’s going well when

  • I start using terrible puns as pickup lines
  • I invite you to join my interpretive dance flash mob
  • I share my secret stash of emergency snacks with you

42. My favorite quality in a person is

  • The ability to quote entire movies without breaking character
  • A talent for finding four-leaf clovers on command
  • An appreciation for the art of dramatically slow-motion running

43. The best way to ask me out is

  • Through an elaborate scavenger hunt around the city
  • Via carrier pigeon (bonus points if the pigeon wears a tiny hat)
  • In the form of a rap battle

44. I’ll introduce you to my parents if

  • You can beat my dad at arm wrestling
  • You survive my mom’s infamous mystery casserole
  • You can name all our family pets in chronological order

45. My ideal lazy day involves

  • A marathon of the worst movies ever made
  • Inventing new ice cream flavors (pickle ripple, anyone?)
  • Attempting to teach my goldfish tricks

46. The key to a perfect first date is

  • Bringing backup silly string in case of awkward silences
  • Wearing matching outfits… accidentally
  • Having a “get out of jail free” card for Monopoly AND real life

47. The secret to my heart is

  • Knowing when to quote “The Princess Bride”
  • Understanding the importance of a well-timed “that’s what she said”
  • Appreciating the art of eating cookies for breakfast

48. My signature dance move is

  • The “trying to unstick my hand from superglue” shuffle
  • The “attempting to walk normally with a pebble in my shoe” groove
  • The “frantically swatting at imaginary bees” boogie

49. I’m secretly plotting to

  • Replace all elevator music with kazoo covers of pop songs
  • Start a support group for people who can’t whistle
  • Train squirrels to deliver my mail

50. My autobiography would be titled

  • “I Came, I Saw, I Made It Awkward”
  • “Professional Napper: The Art of Sleeping Through Adulthood”
  • “Oops, I Did It Again: A Series of Fortunate Blunders”

51. My evil laugh sounds like

  • A hyena discovering tickles for the first time
  • A car trying to start on a cold winter morning
  • A seagull choking on a french fry

52. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who

  • Names their houseplants after ex-presidents
  • Collects souvenir spoons but doesn’t own any regular spoons
  • Practices acceptance speeches in the shower for awards that don’t exist

53. My best pickup line is

  • “Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you”
  • “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber”
  • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

54. The last thing I Googled was

  • “How to telepathically communicate with cheese”
  • “Is mayonnaise an instrument?”
  • “What does the fox actually say?”

55. My go-to karaoke duet song is

  • “Love Is an Open Door” from Frozen (I do both parts)
  • “Islands in the Stream” (but I replace all the lyrics with “Baby Shark”)
  • “Bohemian Rhapsody” (warning: I only know the “Galileo” part)

56. My favorite conspiracy theory is

  • Birds aren’t real, they’re government drones
  • The moon is made of cheese, and astronauts are actually mice in disguise
  • Giraffes are just horses on stilts

57. I’m weirdly good at

  • Guessing the flavor of jellybeans by their color (and being wrong every time)
  • Parallel parking (in my dreams)
  • Speaking fluent gibberish

58. My fashion sense can be described as

  • “Clearance rack chic”
  • “Laundry day meets job interview”
  • “A toddler dressed me in the dark”

59. The strangest compliment I’ve received is

  • “You have very symmetrical nostrils”
  • “Your sneeze sounds like a dolphin laughing”
  • “You’d make an excellent narrator for a documentary about paint drying”

60. My dream pet would be

  • A miniature giraffe that fits in my pocket
  • A dragon that only breathes glitter
  • A narwhal trained to joust at Renaissance fairs

61. My Netflix algorithm thinks I’m

  • A time-traveling Victorian ghost hunter
  • A conspiracy theorist obsessed with cooking shows
  • A cat pretending to be a human

62. The worst idea I’ve ever had was

  • Trying to cut my own bangs while riding a unicycle
  • Starting a business selling pre-tied shoelaces
  • Attempting to learn parkour in a china shop

63. My favorite joke to tell on dates is

  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
  • What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? He was outstanding in his field!

64. The most embarrassing item in my room is

  • A life-size cardboard cutout of myself
  • A collection of participation trophies from elementary school
  • A half-finished latch hook rug of Nicolas Cage’s face

65. My idea of romance is

  • Writing your name in the snow (with a stick, obviously)
  • Sharing the last piece of pizza without a fight
  • Letting you have the side of the bed closest to the outlet

66. I’m convinced I could win

  • A staring contest with a statue
  • An argument with my reflection
  • A race against a sloth (but it’d be close)

67. My hidden talent is

  • Being able to clap with one hand
  • Speaking fluent pig Latin while gargling water
  • Turning any conversation into a game of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”

68. The quickest way to my heart is

  • Through my rib cage (please don’t try this)
  • Complimenting my elbow dimples
  • Laughing at my jokes, even the ones I haven’t told yet

69. I’m looking for someone who

  • Can appreciate my extensive collection of novelty doormats
  • Doesn’t mind that I narrate my life in third person
  • Is willing to be my alibi for future shenanigans

70. My favorite childhood memory is

  • The time I convinced my little brother he was adopted from Mars
  • When I set the record for most cookies eaten in one sitting at grandma’s house
  • The day I discovered I could fit my entire fist in my mouth (still can)

71. The best gift I’ve ever received was

  • A personalised bobblehead of myself (it’s disturbingly accurate)
  • A year’s supply of bubble wrap (best stress relief ever)
  • A certificate declaring me the official ruler of one square inch of Scotland

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is a Hinge Prompt?

A Hinge prompt is a pre-written question or statement on the dating app Hinge that users can answer to showcase their personality. These prompts appear on a user’s profile and serve as conversation starters.

Whatever the reason, they range widely in subject matter, from the personal to the hypothetical, providing users with a means of expressing themselves outside of conventional profile fields and offering potential matches an understanding into how their personality (and humor and values) stack up.

2. Why Humor Is Important in Dating?

In dating, a sense of humor goes a long way to warm the atmosphere, relieve tension and introduce humanity into the equation. It illustrates intelligence, imagination and boldness which all make you a more attractive match to men.

Laughter creates camaraderie and a sense of connection with several other techniques when new interaction starts. People like to be entertained and can relate to someone with a sense of humor— always a good sign, right?

A great way to express yourself as well as to attract likeminded individuals.

3. Is There Any Tips For Using Humor in Dating Profile?

So when you use humor in your dating profile, simply be who you are. Tell specific, relatable anecdotes instead of going for cheap ass jokes. Avoid humor that is offensive, sarcastic and could be misconstrued. Combine the hilarious and sincere responses to illustrate that you can be both deadly serious and not-so-deadly unserious, aka flausen.

When using, avoid wordplay, pop culture references, or self-deprecation as necessary. Keep it light and positive. Try out your jokes on some friends first to know what works and what doesn’t. Share funny, relevant statuses on your profile every so often to show people you are active and give fresh matches a glimpse of what they will get.

For Further Reading

  1. 175 Good Evening Messages For Your Love, Your Friend & More
  2. 99 Happy Birthday Wishes for Wife 💖

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