In this post, I will share eight ways you can inspire a man to be your hero, not just in your life but in his own life. You have incredible power to do that.
What it means for a man to be in his hero space
Before we get into How To Make a Man Your Hero, let’s look at what it means for a man to be in his hero space.
- 1. A man operating as a hero in his world is grounded in his sense of self.
He knows who he is. He knows what his gifts and powers are. And he’s using them to full effect out there in the world.
He’s pursuing his passion in a big way. He’s out there going for it, living his life with purpose.
- 2. He has a big vision for his life that motivates him.
Most importantly, he has a big vision for his life that drives and motivates him.
Eight ways to make a man your hero
You may be encountering some big obstacles in his pursuit of that, but he’s taking them on every day.
So now I have a question for you: Does this sound like the man you’re in a relationship with or the men you’ve dated in the past?
Actually, you have. Because every man, no matter where they’re at or what stage of their life they are in, has a hero within them.
A hero is waiting to be activated. And you many times can be the one to activate it for them.
Because you, as a woman, have a very special role in a man’s life.
You are the inspirer for your partner. You are the invoker for him. You are the Muse that can help a man step into his role as a hero.
Now I’m going to share eight essential ways that you can help a man step into his hero role.
1. Ask him potent questions if he has no vision
First, if he doesn’t have a vision, ask powerful questions.
Men often lack vision in their lives because they don’t have clarity, right? They don’t have clarity about who they are or what they want to create.
For example, you could ask him, what would you love to do if money didn’t matter? That’s an excellent question if he hates his job or career.
And another fun question to ask is, what would your life look like in five years? If everything unfolded perfectly and got him to drop into his imagination and play with him in that space, right?
Like, what would it look like? What would it feel like? What would every aspect of your life be? What car would you be driving? What work would you be doing?
Play that game with him getting to look like. Get him to look at it for the first time in his life. What would my life look like, maybe five or seven years down the road, if just everything I wanted coming to pass?
And another great question to ask is, what lights you up? What are your passions? What are you excited about right now?
And from there, from that essential point where he starts speaking about his feelings of what he’s passionate about, you can start asking him:
What would it look like if you took your passion and turned it into a larger purpose? How could you help the world?
Sometimes all it takes for a man to step into his vision is to have a woman asking him these questions.
By asking questions, you help him dig deeper to introspect and reflect. You know, men aren’t very good at that by their human nature.
2. Acknowledge and support his vision for his life

And another way to help him to be a hero is to acknowledge and support his vision for his life if he does have one, even if you don’t understand it.
This is such an important point. Because men, if they do have a vision, it’s something that they hold near and dear to their hearts.
Like maybe their vision is to create a business, right? That leaves a legacy for generations and their family.
And because you don’t understand his business, you can get behind and support his passion for what he wants to create.
He might have a highly complex business in a niche or a field you don’t understand. But that doesn’t matter.
All you want to do is support him and acknowledge him for how hard he works and for everything he’s pouring into that business because, likely, it’s a hugely central part of his life, and he doesn’t need you to understand all the logistics.
He needs to feel that you are acknowledging that this is something you celebrate and that you support him in his pursuit of it.
Remember, ladies, the masculine loves to be recognized and acknowledged for what it’s creating in the world by the feminine, and nowhere is this more important than pursuing their dreams.
3. Don’t get threatened by his vision
The third meaningful way to help a man step into his hero essence is not to be threatened by the pursuit of his vision.
And more so than anything, ladies, don’t try to come between him and his hero’s quest are what it is that he’s trying to create. Okay?
You are not trying to be this man’s purpose. You want to be his partner in his pursuit of it.
I know many of you have dreams or fantasies about being the center of a man’s world. And I understand the importance of being a priority in a man’s life.
Here’s the thing, you want to be something other than his purpose. You want him to have a more prominent purpose and vision for his life than you.
And you want to be a partner in his pursuit of it. You want him to be the king and you to be his queen in your niche and for you to build something beautiful together, right?
But you don’t want him to make you the sole thing he’s moving towards. Because, realistically, that isn’t healthy. Does that make sense?
So don’t feel threatened by a man if he’s got a business, a vision, or a legacy for what he wants to leave in the world.
You get to trust that he will be able to integrate you into his life and his pursuit.
And you get to recognize that, if you try to come between him and what he is creating and pouring his whole life into, he will start seeing you as a threat to his growth and his pursuit of his vision and life.
And then you’re not helping him become the hero he’s craving to be. Right?
You actually will be someone trying to keep him from that. It’ll probably end up taking you out of his life.
4. Give him enough space to rise
Remember, ladies. Men are like bread, and they need space to rise. This is especially true when it comes to a man’s pursuit of his purpose, vision, or whatever quest he is on in his life.
Men are a single focus. They’re not good at thinking about a lot of different things at the same time.
So when a man is locked into pursuing his life’s work, you need to give him the space to get after it, right? You don’t want to be coming between it or distracting him from it.
And I’ve got a three-step process to help you determine and give a man the space he needs.
- 1. Acknowledge and recognize that he is in work mode
Whatever he’s getting after in his life, you want to acknowledge the way:
I see that you’re pouring a lot of time and attention into your business and the thing you’re building.
I ultimately see that, and what do you need for me? How much space do you need?
Because I want to honor and give you what you need to create what you’re passionate about creating.
- 2. Give him enough space and trust him
Here comes the most critical part.
Once he tells you how much space he needs, you give him that space and trust him.
Give him that distance and whatever he needs to build what he is committed to building in the world.
- 3. Accompany him at a distance patiently
Just sit back, then come back to him and ask him how it went. This will require a great degree of trust.
It is trusting him to pursue that with you watching at a distance, trusting yourself and your value enough to recognize that he will come back.
It is a massive demonstration of value from you to give him that space and be comfortable giving it to him.
5. Find the solution instead of arguing when you come to a confrontation

And this next tip is so important.
Suppose you want a man to feel like a hero you’re on. In that case, you want to always come to him from space and an energy of partnership instead of mothering or trying to control him small, which is what many women do when they’re angry, feeling threatened, or a man triggers them.
Especially maybe you have a confrontation with him right over something, perhaps he’s done that you don’t like, or something he’s not doing for you that you need.
You have every right to own your voice, ask for what you want, and speak to him about what he’s doing that you disagree with.
But you want to be careful about the energy you bring to that conversation. You want to always come to him from a grounded space of partnership.
You are here to be in this situation with him and help figure out a solution rather than coming over the top, being angry, and hitting him over the head with whatever you’re talking about.
6. Let him lead
And another great way to make a man step into his hero essence is to allow him and let him lead.
Let him lead the way in your dating and relationship. Allow him to make mistakes. Heroes need to be trusted to lead, blaze the path, and mess up.
You don’t want to protect him from himself because that is something a mother would do. And you want to avoid stepping into the maternal role.
A hero is not relying upon his mother to shield him from the bumps and bruises of life.
You want to be his partner, trusting and allowing him to forge a new path, and you’re with him on that path wherever it leads.
7. See him as the hero in his life
And one of the most potent ways to make a man feel like your hero is that you quest with him and see him as that hero in his life.
It is to celebrate his victories and soothe his defeats as he goes after his life’s purpose.
This is so important. Like I said earlier, the masculine craves acknowledgment from the feminine for what he’s doing and creating in the world.
This is so important when he’s out there slaying his dragons, and you’re right there with him cheering him on, being his biggest cheerleader.
And when he returns from his quest, whether it be his day at work, his trip across the country, or maybe just a visit to his mother, you’re there celebrating him.
And if he’s had a tough day and got his butt kicked, whatever he’s up to in the world, you’re there to soothe and nurture him and help heal him from that process.
That is how you establish a partnership, and you help him feel supported and empowered to get up, put his armor back on the next day and get back out there.
That’s one of the most potent roles you have in the life of a man who’s out there being a hero in his world. It is you who gets to be his sanctuary.
When he returns from battle, you can be his safe space to put down his armor, be vulnerable, and connect with you.
So this all goes back to a partnership. You are in this together. His wins are your wins, his losses are your losses, and you two are a team.
This will strengthen your love connection and create loyalty and devotion on his side. So be sure to do this.
8. Make your relationship a quest for him

Lastly, ladies, if you want a man to step into his role as a hero, both out in the world and with you, make your relationship a quest for him.
Set boundaries and the tempo for him. Make challenges along the way for him. Make him earn the right to be the man in your life.
Like, hold your frame with him. These are all things that create high value in the eyes of men.
Men love to work for something. They love to earn the items in our life.
If you want him to have that deep, abiding love and that passion for you and see you as another great conquest in his role, you can quest for him.
Using these eight tips in your connections and relationships with men, you can activate that hero lying dormant within them.
[Related Post: 6 Powerful Compliments To Activate His Love]
And if they’re already in their hero’s quest, you can help bond yourself to them and empower them to go even further. Let’s recap the eight points now.
1. If he doesn’t have a vision, start by asking powerful questions that get him to self-reflect and look at his perfect life in five years.
What is he passionate about? What lights him up? And what would he be doing in this world if he didn’t need the money?
2. If he’s got a vision, you acknowledge and support it.
Even if you don’t understand, a man wants to feel that from you.
He wants to feel seen and advocated for his vision, even if it’s something that is way outside your field of interest.
3. Please don’t allow yourself to feel threatened by his vision or try to come between him and what he’s creating in the world.
You will not win that fight. Remember, being the center of his universe may seem nice on paper. But realistically, it isn’t what you want.
If you want to inspire him into his power, you need to give him space to pursue his vision.
4. Ask him how much space he needs, and then honor, trust, and fully respect the space he needs.
Men are single-minded. If they have to work on their business, they will have less time, energy, and space for you.
5. Do your best to always come to him for discussions, especially confronting conversations with an energy of feminine partnership, not mothering, smothering, or fearful.
That will empower him to drop in, be vulnerable with you, and see you as his partner on his hero’s quest.
6. Remember to let him lead the way.
If he’s going to make a mistake, let him make it. Don’t try to protect him too much. That’s what his mom does.
7. Like any good partner, you want to celebrate his victories and soothe his defeats when he comes off the battlefield.
You two are in this together. And you’re right there with him. His wins are your wins, and his losses are your losses.
8. Lastly, make your relationship a quest for him as well.
Hold your frame. Make it a challenge.
Don’t just yield to him every step of the way. Making him earn the right to have you in his life will raise your value in his eyes. And it’s something that men sincerely appreciate.
I say this from the bottom of my heart.
Sometimes all a man needs to step into his power and embrace his role as a hero is the love and belief of a good woman who sets that bar and asks him to rise.
So do not discount the incredible, inspiring role you can play in elevating a man within his life.
I hope you get out there and inspire the man in your life to be the hero he was born to be. You can do it.