no more heart broken stop wear your heart on your sleeve

    Self-awareness is a superpower. My name is Monica Bradica. Welcome to soul and vibration. I hope the free thinkers are doing well, and if you are not doing well, I am happy to remind you that you are the most powerful person you know.

    You are the most powerful person you know because only you can create your reality. So this post is for the people who wear their hearts on their sleeves.

    This post is to help you to learn how to stop getting your heart broken. I say your heart is broken because my posts will be all about accountability, like: what am I doing and how? What can I do differently to get a different result?

    Because at the end of the day, if it’s going to be, it’s up to me. You know what I’m saying.

    “Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve” Meaning

    It’s: Feel bad about your feelings or emotions, especially those of Romantic feel openly and forcibly.

    It refers to someone who:

    • Very emotionally expressive
    • Honest about their feelings
    • Emotionally exposed.
    • Incapable of concealing their emotions

    In Western culture, this expression is often used to describe people who are emotionally transparent and don’t try to conceal their true feelings, whether positive or negative. It can be seen as both a positive trait (indicating honesty and openness) or a potential weakness (as it may leave one vulnerable to emotional hurt).

    Its etymology can be traced back to medieval times when knights in tournaments would wear tokens from their lady loves tied up on a sleeve. It is believed this showed the modern expression in a public loving manner.

    Astrology in Self-Understanding

    So I used to wear my heart on my sleeves and end up in situations where I was constantly getting my feelings hurt, let down, and disappointed. And basically, astrology helped me to see myself and understand a lot. And what is responsible for this is our Pisces, Neptune, 12th house energy.

    So even if you’re not Pisces or don’t have any Pisces in your chart, you have Neptune energy in your chart.

    Neptune energy is an energy that causes us to look at things through rose-colored glasses, and through those rose-colored glasses is where we project onto people.

    Danger of Projecting onto Others

    So whenever we meet someone and we don’t even know them for that long, all of a sudden we have butterflies in our stomach. We feel so invested, we don’t hear from them, and we’re so devastated.

    That’s because you projected onto that person. That’s because in your mind like basically, first of all, there’s something about them that makes them a perfect candidate to run a movie on.

    Either they have a look about them or something about them is super familiar, and that familiarity causes you to feel safe with them and you know.

    Back to that saying: just be if home wasn’t a safe place, to be careful of the things that remind you of home. And another thing I always say is basically: just because something is familiar doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

    Something could be familiar and be destructive at the same time. But we don’t realize how. When things are familiar, they cause us to put our guard down.

    Imagine there’s something familiar about that person, and you identify with something about them. Like, for example, you like a tall person and this person is tall and gorgeous. You know he/she is perfect to run a movie.

    Because now you start to fantasize about you guys being together. You start to fantasize about how you might look together or the fun things you might do together.

    Or you know, say, for example, they’re into certain things. You’re thinking: wow, we will make great friends because we could do this together, that together, like a lot of the times, we don’t realize that.

    We break our hearts because we start to tell ourselves a story. We are running a movie. We create this whole reality around the potential of the person as opposed to being patient and allowing the person to reveal themselves one step at a time, one day at a time.

    It’s like when we get obsessive like that. We want to be around the person all the time. It’s as if we’re not obsessing over them. You know what I’m saying. We want to talk to them and, in that process, we are deluding ourselves and running a movie.

    Reality and Projection: The Difference

    When they do human-like things, we’re devastated and we feel heartbroken, not realizing that we don’t have a relationship with this actual person. We have a relationship with the movie that has been running in our head about this person.

    This could be platonic, it could be even with family members like maybe in your mind you believe that a mother should be this way or a father should be this way, or a brother should be this way.

    So say, you keep having a back-and-forth relationship with your family member. Whenever you get back on good terms, you start running that movie in your head again.

    Maybe they did a nice thing, and that one nice thing they did was enough to start projecting onto them and fantasizing about how great it could be. And you fantasize about how great it can be.

    But they didn’t show up and participate in this movie, this projection that you’ve been running. So now you feel let down, disappointed, and heartbroken when, in all reality like, it is not their responsibility to support the movie that you’re running.

    It’s just important to allow people to show up every day and show us who they are. You know. When someone tells you who they are, you should believe them.

    As Dr. Maya Angelou says, when someone tells you who they are, you should believe them, along when someone shows you who they are, you should believe them. A lot of the time, we get our hearts and our feelings broken, we wear our hearts on our sleeves because we don’t believe people when they tell us or show us who they are.

    Instead, we keep running that movie, running that movie, running that movie, and then keep getting hurt and disappointed to the point where we are resentful and resent that person for the way they treated us.

    When in all reality, a lot of the time people keep showing up and they’re consistent, or all the time people are consistent about who they are. Even when a person is being this deceitful, and deceptive, intuitively, we know something isn’t right.

    Because most of the time when situations end, we always say there were signs. They showed signs in the beginning. Why didn’t we see the signs in the beginning? Because we were running a movie.

    We were running a movie that had nothing to do with them. It’s all about everything to do with the fantasies and the ideas that we hold within ourselves.

    Media’s Impact on Our Expectations

    A lot of the time, we don’t realize that the ideas and the fantasies that we hold within ourselves came from like what we saw on TV, like the tell.

    Live vision tells us that you know what the perfect mate should be like, what they should look like, and act like too. We’ll pass up on great partners because they’re not this tall, they don’t have this base in their voice, their hair isn’t this way, or their skin isn’t that way.

    When emotionally and character-wise, this person is the ideal person, but we can’t see them because they don’t fit this idea that we’re holding in our head.

    So we hold this idea in our head and we run it. We run that movie on anyone that will hold the screen of that movie. And that’s where we end up in situations when it’s romantically, platonically, or whatever. That’s where we are disappointed.

    Be Responsible For Your Projections

    We are disappointed because the person we know didn’t fit the image we were showing, and we can’t be mad at him/her for that. We have to take responsibility within ourselves for running that movie.

    And often you can tell. If you run that kind of movie based on the outcomes that you get, for example, after you know you’re no longer talking to the person, you ask yourself: damn why.

    How did I like it? How was I so in love with this person when I didn’t know this? I didn’t know that or this or that.

    How did I call her or him a friend when we didn’t even know each other that long?

    That’s all because you didn’t build a relationship with that person. You build a relationship with the idea of that person instead of the reality of that person, and we have to take responsibility for ourselves.

    So please look through rose-colored glasses, put the rose-colored glasses down, and deal with situations and people a day at a time.

    If you’re someone who wears your heart on your sleeve, you haven’t known someone long, and already you’re planning your future out with them, ask yourself: what right do I have to plan this future out? What have they shown me? What have I experienced with them?

    That says we can have this kind of future together. You can have goals, aspirations, and dreams of the ideal future you want, but you need to let people show you that they fit in that future.

    You need to know that they deserve to be in that with you as opposed to you putting them and giving them a role based on potential, one that they didn’t even sign up or audition for you.


    As we wrap up this exploration of heart protection and self-awareness, let’s recap the key takeaways:

    • Self-awareness is crucial: Understanding your tendencies, especially when it comes to wearing your heart on your sleeve, is the first step towards change.
    • Beware of rose-colored glasses: Neptune energy can cause us to project unrealistic expectations onto others. Recognize when you’re doing this.
    • Take it day by day: Allow relationships to develop naturally without rushing or projecting a fantasy future.
    • Believe what people show you: As Maya Angelou wisely said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
    • Take responsibility: Your projections and fantasies are your own. Don’t blame others for not living up to an image they never signed up for.
    • Practice self-love: Prioritize loving yourself and setting healthy boundaries in all your relationships.

    Remember, protecting your heart doesn’t mean closing it off. It means being mindful, patient, and realistic in your expectations of others and yourself. By doing so, you open yourself up to genuine connections based on reality rather than fantasy.

    As you move forward, challenge yourself to see people as they truly are, not as you wish them to be. This shift in perspective can lead to more fulfilling relationships and significantly reduce heartache.

    Your journey of self-discovery and heart protection is ongoing. Be kind to yourself as you learn and grow. With each interaction and relationship, you have the opportunity to apply these insights and create a reality that truly serves your highest good.

    Thank you for joining me on this exploration. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. How will you implement these ideas in your life? Drop a pink heart in the comments if this resonated with you, and let’s continue this conversation. Until next time, remember to love yourself fiercely – your heart will thank you for it.

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