In this post, I will share five signs that you are ready for real love, the heart-exploding lasting love you genuinely desire and crave.
I have found foolproof signs in working with thousands of women worldwide. They are pure demonstrations of the fact that you’ve reached a level and a place in your progression. And you’re on the verge or cusp of calling in and manifesting the partner you crave.
I’ve seen it happen so many times. These work because I’ve worked with my clients and my own life. I had to hit these five things myself to call in my amazing partner with whom I’m currently enjoying living and loving life.
1. Love yourself first

So first off, I want to talk about a great principle, a big premise, with you. Every relationship you have is a mirror. Every relationship that you’re going to create in your life is a mirror for where you’re at in your progression. So it’s going to be a mirror for how you love yourself.
One of the phrases I like to say a lot is that we’re only capable of loving someone else as much as we are capable of loving ourselves.
There’s a ceiling on how we’re sustainably able to love someone else. And that ceiling is how we’re able to embrace ourselves. The first sign is that you have embraced yourself. It means you have built awareness and acceptance of who you are.
1.1 Be clear about yourself
So the first step of embracing yourself is fostering awareness of who you are, your trauma, wounds, shadow, strengths, and more.
All of these things together create a beautiful mosaic of who you are. If a mosaic is an image made up of many little pieces, if you only saw the light fragments of a mosaic, you wouldn’t see the whole picture, and it wouldn’t make sense.
For a mosaic to make sense, there has to be light and dark. There must be a similar contrast between the pieces to understand yourself fully.
You have to be aware of both the light and shadow parts of yourself.
- The light parts include your sense of humor, your power, your grace, your magnetism, your character, your integrity, and all those things that are wonderful.
- The shadow parts include your darkness, your trauma, something that you’re working on, and the things you’re healing in your life.
You get to be aware of all these things, but you’re working on your shadow. You get to accept all those parts yourself. So a huge part of embracing who you are once you’ve cultivated this awareness through doing inner work and shadow work.
1.2 Embrace all the parts of yourself without judgement
The next step is to accept them. It is to embrace and accept yourself without judgment.
I cannot tell you how important it is to be able to look at that wounded part of yourself. I had many wounds around being accepted by others because I had no friends growing up at school. I didn’t have anybody there for me who loved me or cared about me.
Because of that, I always had a deep fear of rejection or being embraced by others. When I started connecting with women, I had to be aware of and work through that fear of rejection and of not being seen and appreciated by others.
I was able to see and express and love that part of myself. It didn’t get in the way if I hadn’t allowed myself to see. It would have caused many problems.
So first step and the number one sign that you’re ready for a relationship is that you have embraced yourself. You have awareness plus acceptance of who you are.
I encourage you to dive in if you haven’t gotten there yet. It is so incredibly worth it and is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
2. You have clarity about what you want

The second sign is that you have clarity about what you want.
I cannot overstate how essential it is that if you want to create a beautiful relationship, you need to know exactly how you want to feel in a relationship.
Now notice I didn’t say you need to know precisely whom you want to be in a relationship with. Many women I work with want their future partners to have blonde hair, make a large amount of money, and have x, y and z. They have all these checkboxes around who he is and what he looks like.
What I want to share with you differs from the type of clarity. I want you to have the kind of clarity around what you want to get to be around, how you want to feel in a relationship with this person, how it feels to wake up next to him, how safe he makes you feel, how enthralled you are when he stimulates you, does he challenge you, does he make you laugh, etc.
You will cultivate these emotional points and clarifications as you feel into this partner’s vision. What’s going to attract him? What’s going to manifest him?
Put down the checkbox list. It would be best to get clear on how you want to feel.
I have a great dream that walks you through the whole emotional experience. It feels like being next to your dream partner, waking up next to him, and having a full day with him. Do something like that, and you will get clear on your feelings because here’s the deal.
If you do not have clarity about how you want to feel in a relationship, you will get all sorts of random results. And if you limit your search to a check box, you start using dating as an interview process. You’re just interviewing someone to see if they meet your checkboxes, and that’s when dating turns into a baby daddy audition.
Trust me. No man likes to feel like he’s being interviewed for a position in your life because we can tell. It’s no fun for us to be connected to how you want to feel.
As you’re going out and connecting with men, ask yourself, is the way this man makes me feel aligned with the type of relationship I want to experience with my ideal partner? That’s the key.
3. You want a relationship instead of needing one

The third sign that you’re ready for real love is that you don’t need a relationship. Instead, you want it.
This is one of the most critical energetic principles of dating. What I can’t stress to you enough is that many women go into dating with a driving need.
They can be like: I need to find a partner. I have a significant amount of time to have a baby. Especially when women bring that energy into dating and the quest to find an excellent partner, they become very outcome and dependent.
It brings a lot of masculine forcing energy into finding a partner, and let me be clear.
When you bring masculine energy into dating, you will crush it. You will find a partner that masculine energy may work right. It may work in the process of building a career, making money, or raising kids to a degree. Especially if there’s no father around, you have to be more masculine.
But the fundamental truth is that it won’t work when it comes to dating in relationships. It’s essential to recognize that you don’t need a relationship but want one.
We get to release outcome dependence and that masculine energy. Instead, you need to operate from a feminine space. I’m excited about the possibility of being in this beautiful relationship. I want this. I don’t need a partner to consummate me. I’m a whole and complete person on my own, and I’m just excited to bring someone into the life I’ve built for myself.
This was a huge process that I got to go through in my life. For many years in my 20s, I had this desperate desire to be in a relationship so that I could have someone to make me feel better about myself and I could have someone as an escape from the things that weren’t working in my life.
I found myself craving and needing a relationship. I was very pushing and put much energy into online dating because I just wanted to bring someone into my life to escape for myself, make me feel better about who I was, and give me a sense of identity. But that didn’t work.
As you can imagine, I attracted many partners that needed to align with the quarters on a relationship I really wanted. I drew many wounded people who gave me many things to keep me busy but didn’t make me feel better about who I was or expand me as a human being.
We need to get rid of that needing energy and shift into a space of really just wanting it, wanting to be in partnership with someone to help you both reach a new level.
4. You already have a complete and fulfilling life before getting into a relationship

The fourth sign that you are ready for lasting, meaningful real love is that you already have a complete and fulfilling life.
It’s simple, and you may have heard it a hundred times. But I want to remind you that it is imperative. Not all of your time and energy is spent on working to build a relationship with a romantic partner.
You get to spend at least as much time building habits, such as you love spending time with friends, building wonderful friendships, spending time with family, exploring your passions, etc.
It’s incredible how often I’ve been working with clients just through the process of them living their lives and focusing on their health, doing things that light them up.
As soon as they stop focusing on dating in a relationship and they focus on other things in their life, the relationship flows in, almost as a byproduct of their energetic space.
When I moved home seven months ago, I intended to have a great relationship instead of needing one. I just decided to live my life and was open to connecting with a woman online. I was open to connecting with the woman in person anywhere. I was open to possibilities wherever, and then I just went about my life.
I went to a breathwork training and had a fantastic experience. Then I signed up for a breathwork facilitator workshop. At that breathwork facilitator training, I met my partner, the woman that has changed my life forever.
It was amazing. I met her when I wasn’t looking for it but pursuing my purpose and something that lit me up and aligned with my life and what I wanted to create. And it happened.
So if you have a complete and fulfilling life, pouring yourself into your passions, hobbies, friendships, and all the things that make life enriching and fulfilling, that’s a sign you are ready for an amazing partnership.
5. You have fun in dating and your life

The last and the most important of all the signs that you’re ready for love is that you’re having fun in dating and your life.
The energy of fun is magnetic, compelling, and unattached. It is a beam of light. Dating can be heavy often. It can be a chore. When that happens, many times, it’s because you’ve become attached to the outcome, and you’ve become very fixated on things wanting to go a certain way.
If they haven’t been going a certain way, you’ve become fixated on the frustration of things not going the way you want. You will enjoy the process if you just let it go and commit yourself.
Such as, I commit to enjoying the process of dating, I commit to not being attached to the outcome, I commit to having fun even on the crazy dates when the guy shows up and he’s wearing a tank top that’s got three holes in it, and he looks like garbage, etc.
The date is a train and a dumpster fire. As I like to say, dumpster fire dates can be fun stories, too. And if you can have fun on a dumpster fire date, not take it seriously, learn to accept all dates and all the people you connect with curiosity, and just have fun in the process, it will bring you to that ideal, incredible partner much faster.
So I hope these landed with you and that you’ve recognized that no matter where you are in the process.
As long as you’re willing to work on yourself, accept yourself, be clear on what you want, and learn to enjoy the process(not just of dating but of the rest of your life), you are on the precipice of calling in a fantastic partner who will be genuinely grateful.
Because they will meet you where you’re at, and you two can ascend together.
So if this resonated with you, you could check out the related post because just as important as the signs you are ready for love, the signs that someone you are talking to or getting to know is ready for love with you is also helpful.
[Related Post: 4 Signs He’s Emotionally Investing In You]
The post shares four signs that a man is emotionally investing in you. So you can recognize the one who is coming around the corner and is prepared to be in a committed, loving relationship with you.