In this post, I will discuss five signs your husband wants to leave you and what you should do.
I used to be a divorce mediator, so I’ve seen plenty of husbands leaving wives and wives leaving husbands that were over many years ago. Then I switched over to helping couples stay together.
Most people don’t even know why they get married. You fall in love and want to get married, but it’s much deeper than that. There’s this whole and let’s face it.
It’s a spiritual thing in marriage because love is spiritual. It’s not tangible in a material sense.
You can’t touch, feel, and see it, but we know it’s real, and we get married because we want that love and happiness and because it’s not something that we’re taught in life the right way for sure. Most of us miss the boat, which is why we happen over 50 percent divorce rate.
So here is what we’re doing at our website:
Helping people and giving them the right kind of guidance with our articles. No matter how terrible your marriage is, you can still have and insist upon having the most incredible wedding filled with love and joy.
I put it all together, so it’s possible because we have free will, volition, consciousness, and awareness. Hence, it’s just a matter of connecting the dots.
1 Signs your husband wants to leave you

Even the good people who are focused on marriage the right way miss the boat, and I think it’s because they’re afraid to say love is spiritual and god did create a wedding for us.
I don’t know why they’re so scared to say that, but they are. I’m not, so let’s get into these five signs your husband wants to leave you and what you should do.
1.1 He avoids spending time with you
Number one is that he makes excuses to spend time away from you.
Because when you’re together, you’re constantly fighting or arguing, or you’re not getting along the way you should, and this is a huge sign that your husband wants to leave you, and it makes sense.
Why would he want to stay in that environment if you’re arguing and fighting every time you’re together? Men and women approach marriage differently, but I am betting you’re also frustrated with how things are. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be fighting.
Occur this is the truth other people say, well you should learn how to argue, reason things out, and discuss what I say that “fools argue, wise men discuss.” But there shouldn’t be any fighting in a marriage. It’s just that we’ve gotten accustomed to it.
In films, books, and the old days’ television, we see how they behave, and we think that’s actual, especially in sitcoms. That’s our prominent educator for a wedding. But it’s not how good a marriage is.
It’s not about fighting, so this is one of the signs that your husband is constantly making excuses that he doesn’t want to spend time with you.
1.2 He avoids intimacy
Number two, he barely wants you intimately, and when he does have sex with you, it’s just a rush job.
He can’t wait to be done and certainly doesn’t want to hang around and hug you and tell you how beautiful you are, and this is a sign that he wants to leave you because otherwise, he would be into it.
If you have this connection, it’s a soul mate connection. You’re a soul. He’s a soul. The soulmate connection is precious in a healthy marriage because there’s no better way physically to connect ourselves spiritually.
Notice I didn’t say emotionally, spiritually, then through physical intimacy.
Still, if all you’re doing it for is recreational, it’s not a good sign, and nobody wants to be in a marriage like that.
1.3 He is out of patience with you
Number three, he runs out of patience with your
Complaining your criticizing, putting him down is down to nothing. He has no patience anymore and doesn’t want to hear it.
When you complain about something, he just poo-poos you or says you’re full of it, or it turns into an argument. He has no patience for it.
Now, you shouldn’t allow yourself to be critical of your husband. You shouldn’t let yourself be complaining. This happens in both directions. But remember, you’re the one searching this, and this is addressed to women. I’m not going to list why on the other side.
So he’s lost all his patience and gets nervous when you’re talking to him about something important, which is not a good sign. It means he’s not really in the marriage anymore. He’s already out of it, for all intents and purposes. He’s just there physically.
Next, he starts to talk about divorce, and many people talk about divorce from time to time. People think it’s just that he was angry, but it’s much deeper than that.

1.4 He doesn’t feel loved
Your marriage is supposed to be all about love and joy. And this is the key of a happy marriage.
If you’re talking about divorce, it means your marriage isn’t like that, so another sign that your husband wants to leave you, and the last one is probably the most important for most of you.
When he’s not feeling loved because you’re intuitive as a woman, your feelings go much further than mere emotions or recognizing things happening outside with your eyes or ears. You have an intuitive feel for this if your husband isn’t feeling loved well.
Why would he want to stay in his marriage if so? And what can you do about it?
Well, I’m going to give you the simple answer, and then I will go into more depth. The simple solution is that you can change yourself into the woman he thought he was getting married to in the first place.
Think back to what were your marriage vows. I will love you, cherish you, be devoted to you, and be loyal to you.
Let’s take a look at loyalty.
What does that mean? Everyone thinks it means I won’t cheat on you. More profound than that, loyalty is when you’re in service to your spouse, you’re in service to your husband, which means you’re not complaining at him, you’re not putting him down and condemning him, you’re not being critical of him, and you’re being supportive.
Remember when you were dating? You laughed at all his jokes, even if you heard them 17 times. You’d make cookies for him and dress nicely for him. When you kiss him, it just opens the heart and opens everything. You expressed your love and not externally thinking. You recognized him as your soul mate, and it was expressed in your relationship over time.
1.5 Your over-familiarity made him feel terrible
This is one of the major killers of marriage. It is you who became over-familiar.
You thought it was okay to criticize him, judge him, tell him what to do to nag him, bother him, and badger him about things to insist that he does this way and does it that way. That’s what happens.
I saw it when I was a divorce mediator because people brought that into our sessions, and it is literally one of the killers. I call it over-familiarity in virtually every marriage that ends on both sides.
There’s no respect or consideration if the husband and the wife are over-familiar with each other. You got to know each other so well that you felt you could point out each other’s flaws. That’s not what marriage is about.
If you are making this mistake, you need to change yourself. You don’t say to him, “look, I know you’re unhappy, and I’ve done my research.” Please do not put these five signs among the other signs you’re hearing from other people, and tell him this is what I’m seeing. You don’t need to do so.
What you do need to do is you need to change yourself back into the woman whom he fell in love with and wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
You do it from the place of love instead of the place of fear that you will lose your marriage.
Remind yourself that I fell in love with this man, and I love him, I need to treat him that way, and I need to remember I love him all the time now.
2 What to do if your husband wants to leave?

What to do precisely when your husband wants to leave you? I think it’s mainly about getting his love back. It has been mentioned in point four above.
Getting a happy marriage is the same as getting a happy relationship to some extent. So maybe you can check out the related posts to find the answer:
- 4 Ways To Inspire A Man’s Loyalty And Commitment
- 4 Detailed Ways To Inspire A Man’s Love
- 3 Keys To Draw His Attention With Your Feminine Energy
When I started working with people, I said okay and made it sound okay. I had to figure out what was happening because all the information about marriage needed to be corrected. Even the good stuff is erroneous.
When I used to meet with people in the very beginning, I understood that we have control by virtual free will over anything and everything we say and do. Isn’t that true? What’s free will?
So, what I did was I broke it down, and I said to my friends, look, you want to love, and you want happiness in a marriage. That is understood, and working is ever-increasing.
It’s not like, okay, got it gets better every day. I suggest choosing what will infuse love and happiness into your sacred marriage space, or is it going to be detrimental, which worked.
But I quickly realized a fundamental reality that didn’t dawn on me until my first client returned to me.
Well, I did help my first client. The man came back to me and said, it’s right, and I have a problem, in any case. I want to say and do the right thing, but I forget I do the wrong thing, and we slide back.
So I took a deeper look and realized the mind is a possession. We’re Souls, so we own our minds. But the mind ends up controlling us and takes away our free will because we have given it the power to do so by relying on our habits.
We don’t catch ourselves. So I prayed and meditated, and it came to me this technique. We call it the soul technique to stop everything. Before you say something, even before thinking something, stop evaluating what I’m going to say coming from my heart or if I am a jerk.
It is wisdom that responds with wisdom. It’s the soul technique, and it takes a while to assimilate. It gives you power over your mind.
This is one of the biggest problems with Western psychology. They don’t say you are the mind, but it’s inferred in everything they do.
You read Freudian stuff and all of this. It’s all about the mind that you’re the mind, and we don’t do that. You’re the soul instead of the mind.
You don’t have a soul. You are the soul. So you have a mind and a body, and one of the keys to a successful marriage and a successful life is to learn how to master your mind.
These are not my ideas. These are the truth. That’s what you do to heal your marriage and get rid of the question of whether your husband will leave you. Don’t even ask your husband. Don’t go there.
Another truth is that one of you can do all the work. You don’t need to do it with your husband.
It’s like building a bridge, one of you is on one side, and the other is on the other.
It’s nice that both of you are building it, and you come together, but it’s unnecessary. You could build a bridge, and then he’ll feel like, my wife is being so incredible, she’s so loving again, and she’s building the bridge. I’m going to come on that bridge. And then you have your soul connection again.

Marriage is so beautiful. People don’t realize what an amazing gift marriage is to humanity from God.
When I was a kid, I wondered where marriage came from. In the last so many years, things have changed so much with the men and women thing. I could look back to when I was a kid and saw that men own women.
I thought at first, well, maybe what happened was the man fell in love and wanted to marry her. Then it caught on because I didn’t understand all these things when I was a kid.
But that’s not it. God gave us marriage, and it’s been around forever. It’s a sacred union, and it should be treated as such and revered as such, and appreciated as such.
But it’s like anything else if you don’t know how to use something. It doesn’t produce what it’s intended to create, and marriage is no different.