As you are reading this post, I’m assuming that you have people who are constantly thinking about you, but you probably don’t know for a fact.
Is someone constantly thinking about you and seeing you from time to time? These spiritual signs do happen in your everyday life, but you probably question yourself like I don’t know if it’s just me thinking too much.
These things you may already know, but I’m confirming that what you know is true. I’ll unveil five spiritual signs showing that the person is constantly thinking about you sexually. He or she indeed is constantly thinking about you.
1. You Meet With Him/Her Often
The first sign is you see them everywhere you go.
I don’t know who this person is. It could be a next-door neighbor. It could be a girl that you might be trying to hook up with. It could be a guy who you think is cute, handsome, whatever.
How do you know that they are constantly thinking about you? If you keep running into them everywhere you go, you might run into them at the gym, at a convention, or at the mall.
How was it that you were walking around the block at the same time? They’re walking around the neighborhood. How is that possible? Listen in the universe, nothing happens by mistake. Everything happens for a reason. Once again, okay.
So the first sign that somebody is constantly thinking about you is if you keep running into them unintentionally like you can’t make it up.
It’s like they just keep being thrown into your reality, thrown into your life. Do you know why that’s behind?
That’s because, behind closed doors, there are manifesting thoughts. After all, they’re constantly thinking about you. In this situation, they are being brought to you because they can’t hide what they’re constantly thinking about.
So that’s why you probably see this person a little bit more than you expect. It’s just because, low-key, they’ll constantly think about you.
2. You Meet Someone Else With The Same Name of Him/Her
The next spiritual sign that somebody is constantly thinking about you is: that you begin to meet people who have the same name as the one in your mind right now.
Have you ever experienced that before? Like you ran into a girl, she got to know you, and you hit it off or whatever. You don’t hear anything back from her, but it’s for some strange reason.
You keep running to a girl with the same name, Tiffany, Samantha, or something else. Another person named or you know his vice versa, with a woman meeting a god, you run into a guy with the same name.
Maybe the one’s name you are thinking about is Louis. Oh, Louis. Again you meet another person that’s named Louis, or you know. You might see Louis flash across the TV.
Why do you keep seeing the name of the person who you don’t even think about, like you just keep saying their name for some strange reason?
That’s because, once again, folks, what’s in the dark must come to the light, and you are the light. And no matter how hard people try, they cannot hide it from you, all right?
So, if you see the name of somebody who you know personally if you go out into public, it could be on the brochure banner in a magazine of another person, mainly other people.
If you’re seeing this person’s name, and you’re not even thinking about this person, I just want to let you know that person is constantly thinking about you.
What’s happening behind is, you know the universe is saying: this is the person you need to pay attention to. That’s why the universe keeps bringing it back up. This is the person right here that you need to pay attention to because this person is thinking about you.
All right, so I’m trying to remind you and make you aware that this person is thinking about you. See the name over and over again.
3. You Talk To Yourself About The Person
Now, the third side somebody is constantly thinking about you sexually is really weird, but it’s true. The real reason why I say it’s really weird is, you know, this world is a spiritual as well as a physical place.
So if you find yourself in your home or riding in your car anywhere, and all of a sudden you start having a conversation with yourself about this person.
In this case, it’s not you who just so happened to randomly think about this person. You probably could be minding your business, or just doing your every day to day thing routine. And then all of a sudden, you get the notion to start talking about this person to yourself.
How does that happen? You know why that’s happening: because that person is thinking about you at that same time. So what’s happening is: that this person is sending you psychic messages, and your intuition is just picking up. It’s just picking up on it.
Your intuition is just picking up on the psychic influence and the psychic messages that this person is sending you telepathically. It’s because the truth of the matter is, folks, whether people act like it or not, we are all interconnected in some kind of form or fashion. Even without thoughts.
Have you ever gone up to a person and you just immediately can tell what they’re thinking like, right off the bat? That’s because we are all interconnected. So if somebody’s a thousand miles away and they’re thinking about you sexually, it’s you might pick a message up mentally.
You might hear a message in your head of this person saying something or doing something, or you might have a memory to come to your mind. You just so happen to start talking about that time when you are together.
If that’s happening a lot, then that person is constantly thinking about you. Okay, it could be a secret admirer, it’s not a mistake, right? The person is thinking about you. And you need to be mindful of that.
4. You Meet With People With Similar Look Of Him/Her
The fourth spiritual sign someone is constantly thinking about you is: do you see people that look identical to this person?
It can be situations where you’re sitting down, you’re reading the book at Barnes and Noble. All of a sudden, somebody comes up and says besides you, and you think that it’s the person you have a friendship or a relationship with.
Whatever the case may be, they’re not the ones you are thinking about. But they have the same hairstyle, they have the same facial physique, the same skin coat, or the same skin color.
They look like they dress the same way as the person, so you double-check it. You know you’re looking at pictures of this person on your phone. You’re looking back like, oh no, is that? Is that such a session?
You know what I mean? I mean I know we probably hit it off on the wrong note, but like wow, like that’s that hurt. You know what I’m saying.
If you are running into people who look just like somebody you used to know, that person will be somewhere now thinking about you.
All right, you can’t make it up. It’s not a coincidence, it is not a mistake. Everything happens for a reason.
So if you’re seeing people who look like someone you are similar to, he/she could be the person who you used to know, but you might not even know him anymore, or you do know him that person is constantly thinking about you.
That’s what the universe wants you to know. The universe wants you to know: Hey, be mindful. You need to call this person or you need to send this person an email.
Reach back out to them because, even though they act like you don’t exist, or even though you haven’t seen this person or you haven’t spoken in the past 72 hours, 120 hours, you know this person is thinking about you.
The universe is bringing a person who looks just like this person into your presence. In this way, you can be reminded of this person who is thinking about you. All right, so that’s the fourth side someone is constantly thinking about you sexually.
5. He/She Is Eager To Know Your Feelings
Now, the last spiritual sign, and this is easy. Sometimes people give themselves away, so this is an easy one. You probably experienced this before.
Last but not least, a sign that someone is constantly thinking about you sexually is, that when you talk to the person who you have a situation with, they are eager to know your business.
They want to know every little nook and cranny of what’s going on in your life. They want to know where you’re going today. They want to know how you’re feeling. They want to know what you’re thinking. They want to know everything about you.
When you are talking on the phone, you’re just like wow, this person is asking a lot of questions you ever got?
People like that send you a message and they say: well, what are you eating today? Or do you know what are you planning on wearing?
The reason why they’re questioning and wanting so much information out of you is, that they are trying to fill a void. The void is constantly trying to figure you out when you’re not around.
So sometimes that person will give themselves away. This person will come to you and interview you. You’re just like: wow, this is a lot of questions from somebody who doesn’t even hang around me regularly.
Why are they doing this? It’s because they’re trying to fill a void about you. They need to know all the information about you so that when they go back out away from you, they can have thoughts to relish.
Okay, because this person could very well be a secret admirer of you. All right, they want to know all your information. They want to know how many times your heartbeat is today.
If this is a sign that someone is constantly thinking about you. I’m sorry, I had to expose your secret admirers, but the next time this happens, at least you know who it is that’s constantly thinking about you.
Don’t overthink and say, nah, it’s just me. No, this is real.
Conclusion: Which Sign Resonates With You?
All right, we are in an interconnected world. We can pick up our messages as humans that other people are thinking about us sexually which they don’t think we know.
All right, but you have been exposed to secret admirers because now you know who’s constantly thinking about you. Now. If one of these signs resonates with you, all right, then that person is thinking about you sexually.
I hope this post is helpful. If it does, then you should have a secret in mind, or you have four or five of them. You probably have more than four or five. So, do you have a secret admirer?