You may be a man wondering what’s the worst thing a husband can say to his wife because you have said something that’s okay with yourself to your wife and upset her. You might be a woman who gets hurt by your husband’s words and is trying to find out the worst things other people’s husbands say to hurt their wives.
This will be a fascinating post because these are things I’ve been through over the years. Through the years, I have heard and seen some things that are amazingly dumb, and let’s see.
Some of these you’ve done yourself, so we’re going to go through the list here, and I’m going to get into the explanations. You will know exactly what’s going on.
- 1 Honey, look at the vacuum cleaner I got you for your birthday.
- 2 Hey honey, my friend told me a hilarious story about what happened to him at a strip club.
- 3 Hey babe, it looks like you need to cut down on the ice cream.
- 4 I spent time with them. Me and the kids just had a knife throwing contest.
- 5 Honey, did the dryer shrink your blouse.
- 6 Babe, your sister got some great legs.
- 7 Honey I know I forgot our anniversary but I promise to make it up to you.
- 8 Hey, why can’t you be like Rob’s wife. She never talks back.
- 9 I can’t help you now, honey. I’m busy with this video game.
- 10 Me and the guys are going on a trip to vegas but don’t worry.
- Conclusion
1 Honey, look at the vacuum cleaner I got you for your birthday.

This may be one of the worst things a husband can say to his wife. It signifies you treat your wife as a tool instead of a woman.
I’m going to tell you a story. This was a true story from a few years ago when I was working with a client coming to my office. It was just before Christmas time.
He came to my office with a big smile on his face and said, Hi, I’ve just been shopping for my wife for Christmas. I said, oh, great. I hope you got her some flowers and candies. What did you get her? And then I said, I hope you didn’t get her a vacuum cleaner and he started laughing. I didn’t read his mind, but men like to do practical things, you know.
As a man, you receive something like a skill saw or a power drill, and what happens? You’re totally excited about getting a really cool pair of boots.
However, women don’t get excited about these things at all. There was a time when ugg boots were trendy, and they were excited about that. But why? Because they were cute instead of practical.
You have to understand your wife. What happens when you get her something practical like a vacuum cleaner, blender, or other household wife helper? You’re telling her that you see her as someone who works for you, and you want her to have better tools to work for you.
You see, for you, getting a skill saw it’s not just a tool. It satisfies your hobby and your interest. You like building things, but a vacuum cleaner? Come on.
Recall to find out if you have done number one. This could include blenders, mixers, a new refrigerator, etc. You think like, wow, a new refrigerator, how cool! No, smart guys don’t do it. Get her something loving and romantic and meaningful to her as a woman.
You can not leave alone the responsibility that part of your job as a man is to understand your wife as a woman.
2 Hey honey, my friend told me a hilarious story about what happened to him at a strip club.

The second line about the worst thing a man can say to his wife is this, same as telling your wife you have been to places like strip clubs.
Are you kidding me right now? I cannot believe it.
How men believe that their wives would think the man is not the “my friend” in his words. If so, what were you doing at the strip club? So here’s the deal, guys, men see sex as entertaining. For many men, it’s just goofy, not that big a deal, and women strippers are also no big deal.
Do you participate? Maybe you do, but you’ve got to understand that a woman is tied to her heart. And when she opens up her heart or legs, it is the same thing. And so when you turn sex into a recreational event or something goofy and light like they do in Hollywood, in the movies on television, it affects a woman at a profound level.
You are telling her that when you have sex with her, it’s just recreational. See, you get married to feel love, to experience love. And there’s no better communication about love than intimacy when you’re having sex.
So if you bring it down to something goofy and fun, something you could tell stories about, like this girl, this woman, blah blah, it lowers your entire ability to experience what you really want to experience from your wife.
Please don’t tell her sexual stories, sexy jokes, or anything that makes sex what Hollywood has made sex into it.
You keep your sex with your wife personal about love and don’t ever talk about sex in any other context with her. It won’t work for you. Instead, it lowers your marriage and reduces life.
I’ll tell you something, every man wants to have sex. But they don’t realize that women want intimacy, and you need to want intimacy, too.
Because it’ll change your life when you take sex and put it down here instead of up here, trust me on that one.
3 Hey babe, it looks like you need to cut down on the ice cream.

The third line about the worst thing a man can say to his wife indicates that she is gaining weight.
Have you ever said this? Only nuts would say something like this. If you tell your wife she’s gaining weight, come on.
We have these gender-driven things going on in our psyche, and one of those for a woman is her beauty and what she brings to her man. If you tell her she’s getting fat, on a very deep subconscious level, you are telling her she’s losing her value.
So don’t say hey, baby cut back on the pizza or ice cream, etc. You’re gaining a little fatness. Let me get you some exercise equipment and work out together. Say something like Don’t go there or here won’t work out for you.
You have to understand that your wife is a woman, not just your wife. You have to be in tune with her needs and fulfill those.
4 I spent time with them. Me and the kids just had a knife throwing contest.

The fourth worst thing you can say to your wife is to indicate you are putting family members in danger.
When it comes to a topic like this, I heard about a true story before from a mid-aged man.
One time he was in his backyard with three kids, and he happened to have a ladder out. He said to the youngest, who was probably two years old only, go up on the first step, go up on the first step and jump off; yeah, you did it! And then the middle kid said, oh, I can do it from up here. And they got higher and higher. Pretty soon, they had the ladder extended. They were up on the roof and started jumping off it onto pillows. It’s a typical guy thing.
Then his daughter saw through the window and said, hey, mom’s coming home. He said quickly, get everything back in the house, get that letter down, etc.
Why are women so sensitive about that? Actually, there’s a part where they don’t understand us, and that part is no risk. He didn’t put his kids’ lives in danger. These days, however, you never know who would call the police on him.
Women are very sensitive. We’re the protector of the family, but women, the mothers, are the protector of each one. For them, family members are just like eggs. Each child is like an egg. If you drop it, it will crack and be killed eventually.
So you have to be aware of what you will and will not talk to your wife. When it comes to the kids, you have to be cool. I’m not saying hide or lie anything. I’m just telling you that you have to be cool.
5 Honey, did the dryer shrink your blouse.

Number five is a lot like number three, which doesn’t go over well, too. What you’re telling her again is she’s fat.
You have to be really conscious of this. It’s not like talking to another man. These are really dumb things to say to a woman if you want your marriage to be filled with happiness, joy, and love.
Using sitcoms and stuff guys feel nothing about is inappropriate when talking to a woman. Women don’t consider this stuff funny, and they don’t get over it in five minutes when they’re insulted.
Instead, it bothers them for a long time. That will be deep in women’s heart, hit them hard, and stays with them for a long time.
You can’t be messing around in this area. It’s really important for you to learn about marriage because the benefits of marriage are off. The charts are all serious now.
There is nothing in this world more extraordinary than a good connection at the highest level with your wife. It’ll knock your socks off. It gets better and better every day when you know what you’re doing.
Guys used to come to me and say something like I’m not getting enough sex, I’m leaving her, etc. That’s because you’re not taking care of your wife. You have to understand your wife as a woman.
6 Babe, your sister got some great legs.

The sixth worst thing is to indicate your disloyalty when being with her, especially when you mention her siblings.
You don’t want to say that. This is her sister. That’s like sacrilegious in a couple of ways.
What are you looking at another woman’s legs for? There are a lot of guys who cheat on their wives with their wife’s sisters. Way more than you would imagine. It’s true, and it sucks because siblings don’t always get along, but it’s still her sister.
So here’s the big thing that makes it really dumb. You’re checking out another woman’s legs while you are obligated to have 100 percent loyalty to your wife.
Your wife’s legs are the only ones you will ever look at for the rest of your life and think, wow, those are beautiful. All of her body parts are a reflection of who she is. Telling your wife that she’s gorgeous and sexy. Telling your wife about it. These are essential things to do.
When you tell her you checked out another woman, you better check her out as well. That’s how you’re impacting her.
Loyalty is the highest spiritual slash marital law and comes in many shades and varieties. You need to hit them all on the head. Anyway, you have to be loyal to your wife.
7 Honey I know I forgot our anniversary but I promise to make it up to you.

The seventh worst thing you could say to your wife is to tell her you forgot about the important days.
This is an excellent example of men’s priorities in life versus women’s.
You could joke about it if you want. You could even joke about it with your wife. You could say that to her, but then you better have a fantastic anniversary gift for her right away and come up with some great plans. Because the anniversary is the day she met her soulmate, meaning that’s the day you met your soulmate.
Hence it better be an important day for you, the same as her birthday. That’s the day your soulmate was born, and it has deep meanings, too.
You have to understand that men don’t have these. We don’t have this chip for deep-meaning days, but they do. When you get married, you promise to be there for her, meaning in her way instead of your way.
Again, you need to understand your wife, okay?
8 Hey, why can’t you be like Rob’s wife. She never talks back.

The eighth worst thing a man can say to his wife is to compare his wife with another woman.
You just broke a cardinal rule when you said something like that. You’re comparing your wife to another woman, and she doesn’t meet your needs.
You might want to talk about creating insecurity, but it would be better if you didn’t do that. Maybe you read somewhere that a little bit of insecurity is good. No, it’s not. You’re not there to manipulate your wife. You’re there to encourage her support.
Just love her and let her know she’s the most incredible woman who ever lived. You cannot compare her.
And there’s another part, your wife has free will, and she has her habits, her way of thinking. If one of those ways is to talk back to you, I admit it’s not great. But you need to learn to live with it because it’s like, imagining your wife’s character is a giant old whiteboard, with a couple of black marks on it. Her talking back to you is one of those black marks, but the whole wall is white, perfect, and beautiful. Why would you focus on the five or six flaws that bother you when you can take control of your own mind?
It is one of the rules of a happy marriage: to have control over your own mind and only see her beauty. Ignore those flaws. They don’t matter, and it’s like a scratch on a Ferrari, not great for the Ferrari, but the Ferrari is still a Ferrari.
Your wife is fantastic except for those few flaws. Focusing your mind on those flaws undermines everything. And just don’t do it.
9 I can’t help you now, honey. I’m busy with this video game.

It’s like telling her that the video game is more important than her and the help she needs right now is not that big a deal.
You’re not the one who gets to judge that, do you? When you judge her priorities, you’re calling her stupid and telling her she’s inconsiderate of you. You’re doing everything wrong.
The right thing to do is pause the game, get up and say, honey, whatever you want. Don’t say something like I can’t pause the game, I’m playing, etc. Just lose the game. The most important thing for you in your life is your wife. She is the most important person in your life. It’s not like a 10 out of 1 through 10. Instead, it’s like a hundred out of one through ten.
Her happiness is paramount. I’m talking about the connection to her heart. The heart is the soul, and the soul is infinite love.
Men do not have an open connection to our hearts like women do. It’s a biological imperative because women have to breed, raise, and nurture children.
Tell yourself the story to emphasize this. Imagine you go to the doctor, and he says, “I tell you, I’ve seen a lot of things as a doctor, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Did you know you’re pregnant and got someone grown inside of you?”
Your first reaction would be totally freaked out. Then you would say where the scalpel is. Get that thing out of here right now!
Honestly, I can’t be pregnant, but I know if a woman goes in to see the doctor when she’s already pregnant, she knows she’s pregnant, and the doctor says, “Jane, I’ve been doing this for a long time, but I have to tell you this is very unusual. You know what? You have a growing inside of you; it isn’t a human baby but a duck. Now tell me if this is true.” The only thing she would say is: oh?
I’ve told this to women, and they all responded yeah. Women are designed to nurture, to love. You want that love, and everybody wants that. But you will not be able to get that if you do things that put her wall up and get her to hide her heart. You don’t want your wife hiding her heart. You want your wife’s heart open. If you go there, you will feel something you have never felt, pure marital love.
It’s hard to be described literally, but you can have it. You can’t mess it up, and you got to do what it takes to have it all right.
10 Me and the guys are going on a trip to vegas but don’t worry.

The last worst thing you can say to your wife is to tell her you are going to places like Vegas with your fun-loving friends.
Why would you say don’t worry unless there’s something for her to worry about? You’re going with the guys, and she’s not stupid. She knows what vegas is and what that hunting trip means.
If you’re going on a hunting trip while she doesn’t want to go, she’s probably okay with it. She’s going to miss you, but before that, you have to emphasize, honey, I’m torn, you know. I haven’t gone hunting in a long time, and I used to do it with my brothers. My dad wants to go hunting while I want to go fishing. But you can not go to vegas while pretending you’re going elsewhere.
You need to keep your life pure for her. It’s not a sacrifice.
Some of you guys think that’s a sacrifice, but you need to understand that when you make your whole life about your wife and feed all your love into your marriage, all the goodness will fill the sacred space that just the two of you share with your soulmates.
Some psychologists might say you shouldn’t do that because it’s unhealthy. But from my perspective, it’s totally healthy.
Most people in the world are living down in the material plane, even in their marriage. They focus too much on something that happened that was fun, food that was good, vacation that was a blast, kids that are doing well, and more.
In contrast, when you lift your marital relationship to the level of heart, where everything you say and do is about love, you will obtain pure joy that most people can not.
Wish the post has something helpful to you, and thanks for reading it.
So the ten lines above might be the worst things a husband can say to his wife. The lines have nothing to do with abuse, violence, or other words you might use to attack an aggressive stranger.
The lines may be something you subconsciously say to your male friends, and you know that doesn’t hurt anybody. But things change when it comes to your wife, who is a woman and your closest partner in the world simultaneously.
Women are more sensitive than men, and in the case of your wife, who is different from other regular people, you really need to think more and invest more in her for a healthy and happy marriage.